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Can accounting fraud be identified early from publicly available information?

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2010-06-21编辑:anne点击率:7281

论文字数:10828论文编号:org201006211400543888语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 66

关键词:Financial fraudmanagement privilegeAccounting information asymmetryKelon

There are many Accounting fraud case in China's securities market, such as Lantian, Yinguangxia and Kelon Group, while the United States has exposed Enron, WorldCom, Xerox and a series of listed company's accounting fraud incidents. The impact of these events on the global economy is very large. The increasing spread of accounting fraud not only brought great losses to investors and creditors, but also sparked crisis of confidence in capital markets. How to resolve accounting fraud? This is not an easy question. If the accounting information users can effectively identify the accounting fraud, the hazard of accounting fraud against the relevant groups will be greatly reduced. How to effectively identify the accounting fraud is the focus of this study.
In this paper, I take Kelon as a case of accounting fraud to have in-depth analysis and get the corresponding countermeasures. This article points out that accounting fraud is from management privilege in order to obtain some kind of unfair or illegal benefits, taking the behaviour of deliberate deception or www.51lunwen.org concealing major accounting information, with intent, continuity, and other characteristics of the seriousness of the consequences. On the basis of Kelon studies using a variety of accounting malpractice. We need to discover fraud through in-depth analysis, and do greater effort to identify fraud and find the motives of accounting fraud.
Based on case studies, this paper presents the Internal and External countermeasures from the roots of fraud. We should focus on the incentive to establish a scientific mechanism, supplemented by an appropriate incentive equity incentive compensation system, and to reduce fraud proceeds. And then, we should strengthen the internal governance and optimized ownership structure to strengthen the independence of the board of supervisors and strengthen internal controls and internal audit. Again, we should improve the external monitoring system to increase legal sanctions efforts to crack down on fraud.
1. Introduction 3
2. Literature 5
2-1 Accounting information 5
2-1-1 The contents of accounting information 5
2-1-2 The need of accounting information 7
2-1-3 The basic rules of accounting information 12
2-2 The theory of accounting information asymmetry 15
2-2-1 Accounting scandal 15
2-2-2 The background of accounting information asymmetry 17
3. Methodology 20
3.1 Introduction 20
3.2 The approach to the research 20
3.3 Data collection 22
3.4 Limitations of case study 25
4 Case Study: Kelon Electric Group 27
4-1 Background of this case 27
4-2 Signal of Financial Fraud 29
4- 2-1 Relationship level among the institutions 29
4-2-2 Industry Level 34
4-2-3 The organization and management level of Kelon 36
5. Conclusion and Revelation 37
5-1 The conclusion 37
5-2 The Revelation 38
5-3 The Prospect of the Study 44
References 46
[1]Abbott,L.J. Parker, Peters,G.F. Audit Committee Characteristics and Financial Misstatement: A Study of the Efficacy of Certain Blue Ribbon Committee Recommendations [J/OL]. https:// papers.ssm.com/ s013P/ apers.emf? abstraet_id=3191_25,2002.3
[2] M W E Glautier and B Underdown (2001) Red flagging Management Fraud: A Validation [J]. Advnaces in Aceounting,12(3):23-33
[3]Albecht,W.S.,Wemz,G.W. & Williams, T.L.www.51lunwen.org 1995, Fraud: Bring the Light to the Dkar Side of Business [论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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