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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2013-08-27编辑:yangcheng点击率:4483

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Currently, the export tax rebate as a common practice that has been widely recognized by the international community and adoption. The export tax rebate is a country in accordance with national tax laws, customs departure already export goods prior to export its production and circulation of various aspects of domestic VAT already paid circulation or consumption taxes to indirect taxes refunded to exporters so as not to tax exports into the international market prices, thereby contributing to the country's foreign trade, while regulating and controlling the practice of economic operation.



Ours is from 1985 began to implement the export tax rebate policy, has over twenty years of history. As an economic policy, the export tax rebate on China's social and economic impact on the lives of many, however, the export tax rebate policy in the implementation process, there have been a series of problems. With the expansion of exports of the export tax rebate rate increase as well as the expansion of the export tax rebate range of goods, the export tax rebate has been expanded, to bring great pressure on state finances. Therefore, the correct evaluation, scientific analysis of the export tax rebate policy effects on China's foreign trade enterprises in the future to play the role of export tax rebate policy has an important role and significance. Based on this, will be China's foreign trade enterprises export tax rebate policy effects from both positive and negative aspects.

The export tax rebate is in their merchandise exports, the government will impose a tax return this product to the domestic and export manufacturers of goods for export processing, the export refund import duty on inputs of an export promotion policy. Its purpose is to make non-tax price of export commodities to enter the international market, to avoid double taxation of cross-border flow of goods, in order to enter the international market competition, national product to create a good, fair and competitive environment; Meanwhile, the domestic export enterprises, export reduced export tax rebates the cost of goods, and improving the competitiveness of export commodities, and thus stimulate exports.

Can be understood from three aspects of export tax rebate meanings: First, you must "export", only in the exports of goods before they apply for a tax rebate, tax refund, there must be evidence of merchandise exports; secondly refers to the "back" of exported goods has been taxed, only taxes already, can we talk about tax, no tax would be no refund, but there should be some standard rebate, in general, this standard is the tax rate; finally had a "duty", that is to export goods returned in the country has to pay turnover tax in the country including VAT and consumption tax, a large proportion of which VAT.

The export tax rebate is a special tax system, the tax authorities are generally responsible for the implementation, occurred in the export sector, than a single form. Encourage and stimulate relative to other means of export, the export tax rebate policy is one-way export regulatio论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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