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CPA assignment :验资工作中的注意事项

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2013-09-10编辑:yangcheng点击率:3286

论文字数:1077论文编号:org201309092205561946语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文




There is the practice of past experience tells us that in the verification work to maintain the professional care , in addition to the use of inspection, verification , monitoring disk, observed . Inquiries and circularization other methods to obtain sufficient , appropriate evidence verification , it also needs to pay attention to the following points:


The so-called hard thinking is that CPAs can not just copy the books on a variety of things, but good for the verification process of the various situations encountered by the independent thinking and put forward their view, is the best use of verification procedures live , work and gradually deepen the certification .


It refers to the CPA on the verification process to be gathered from a variety of materials , carefully analyzed. Through the " wheat from the chaff , Quweicunzhen from here, outside to the inside ," the refining process , the differential analyzer and some materials that are more reliable , those were not enough, even those who lack authenticity . This helps to further good evidence, additional certification program .

The so-called slow to judge, not the CPA evade judgment. Judgment is necessary , it should be fully aware of the surroundings on the basis of experience already made appropriately according to the professional judgment . Prevent the situation has not been clear before jumping to conclusions .

CPA various general corporate and business , quality management is the management of the accounting firm 's core and key . If an accounting firm quality control is lax , most likely due to an individual or a department causes the entire CPA suffered disaster. Therefore, the accounting firm must establish a comprehensive , rigorous , scientific internal quality control system , and to the implementation of this system to everyone, every sector and every business , breaking the CPA in accordance with the professional requirements practice , to ensure the quality of the entire accounting firm .

Verification work of key issues must be made clear that the verification has been involved in the transfer of ownership of property thoroughly , whether it is controlled by the requester . Ownership of property by possession, use, and disposal gains the right to form a four property rights . Possession of property which is the owner of the actual control is the ownership of one of the most basic capabilities . No possession, use, income, sanctions are out of the question , ownership can not be fully reflected. Verification work must be very aware of the problem with a piece of paper that simply prove that an agreement or an undertaking on that capital has been put into practice , it is very risky, gullible , leading to verification errors . In order to do verification , we must insist on learning , education, and non-stop "charge" , familiar with relevant knowledge, improve professional competence in order to identify the authenticity , prevent possible omissions . High level of awareness of risk prevention and control of risk is an impo论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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