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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:议论文 Argument Essay登出时间:2015-08-31编辑:Karlie点击率:6120

论文字数:1512论文编号:org201507291833244342语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:Management accountingToyota MotorBalanced Scorecard





The Role Of Strategic Management Accounting 

Main purpose of this essay is introducing to management accounting with modern management accounting techniques. That is a good formulates strategic directions to manage, to sustain competitive advantages.

Management accounting definitions stated that they are holding the main component of the overall skills base of professional accountant. The practical role of the management accountants is to increase knowledge within an organization that using techniques and practices which providing relevant information for managers such as the cost, productivity, etc. that to help them control effectively corporate and reduce risk associated with making decisions. The information generated by management accountant should report that make day-to-day, short-term and long-term decisions. Therefore, management accountants are required to consider several alternatives methods and then decided which one is best way to use. There are many modern accounting techniques are developed from the management accounting theories. As a result, to achieve and sustain competitive advantages, many corporations also use the modern management accounting techniques as best methods.

II. Toyota Motor Corporation 丰田汽车公司

Toyota Motor Corporation has been a famous firm that developed in vehicle manufacturing for several decades. The strategies of Toyota are give the best service to clients and help expand, promote and develop for their customer. The business environments are become more and more developed, and the company has reached a stage where they already had a best management of the accounting function. To choose the right one, managers need some guidance that is provided by information of management accounting. They help company to plan and control organization activities. Besides, they advice the decision makers have correct ways. The management accountants of Toyota are work effectively to give an analysis of accounting information and make appropriate managerial decisions. Moreover, to disseminate the information throughout the organization, Toyota's manager use reports which give by accountants to make the best decisions.

III. Definition and the role of strategic management accounting 战略管理会计的定义与作用

1. Definition
Strategic Management Accounting (SMA) is a form of management accounting that emphasis is placed on information. It related to factors external to the firm, as well as financial and non-financial information.

The document shows that SMA should combines strategic costing and performance measurement, market analyses of company's product markets and competitor's market forces. Moreover, these evaluations should be created in long time.

Management accounting is a tool to provide information for supporting strategic decision making in the organization (Innes, Cooper & Kaplan). Strategic decisions have internal and ext论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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