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艺术作品的语言文化研究 美国留学论文 [11]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2014-09-15编辑:felicia点击率:14887

论文字数:5826论文编号:org201409141003482013语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:抽象画艺术家现代主义艺术运动contemporary abstract paintingcontemporary artists


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The fascination can't die in the individual that’s why painting will live on!

Nicholas May his experiment and question with painting Carrie Moyer?

Fiona Rae talks about her paintings language of marks. Forming a true language amongst painters.

What is Elkins theory about painting?

Jacques informed by the writings of Elkins states that

'Abstract Painting, by virtue of leaving the complications of representational content behind, constitutes a relatively pure practical enquiry by a painter into the physical properties of paint.'

Elkins theories can be pushed further than just oils. Talk about the reaction of how materials on a canvas create unusual textures and patterns. Or simply salt on watercolour creates a pattern. Endless ways the individual can lean from the paint material alone, but to what propose?

In a gallery is the process more important than the actually piece, do we loose something when a painting is put in a gallery.

Putting figurative forms into the paint is another way of experimenting and questioning the practice of painting. The act of spraying on a stencil or brush strokes that form recognisable shapes amongst the abstract marks. Does this take away its abstract nature? Has it now lost its integrity and purity? Does that even matter visually? Including figurative is another way of questioning and experimenting with painting? In a sense it is still abstract and doesn’t loose anything. Spray paint is experimentation with the material…

More of a dirty, grubby response to the paint, a fleshy natural way that Moves away from technological elements. Fantasy makes up shapes within unlike the others.


The conclusion is the most important part of your project.

It should address the issues raised in the introduction and may also be a summary.

It should not contain any new material but may bring out new ideas.

Is it fair to say that up to the interpretation of the viewers how they connect with the piece? We all connect differently.


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