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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2015-04-01编辑:Cinderella点击率:5757

论文字数:2397论文编号:org201503261705033072语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文







At the turn of the twentieth century, voices supporting modernization were on the rise. Politically, although the Xinhai Revolution replaced the Qing monarchy, there was still no real democratic rule established. People still didn’t have a voice and they were by no means free or having an improvement in life. Externally, China was under constant threat and aggressiveness of Japanese imperialism and internally, China’s political condition is extremely unstable as it’s under absolute rule by ruthless warlords who fight with each other all the time [1] . As an attempt of self-salvation, Chinese intellectuals and artists started the New Cultural Movement and various art reforms. Lu Xun started the New Chinese Woodcut Movement and looked into western art forms as models and inspirations as an attempt to save their culturally-deteriorated country, revive their weakened tradition [2] and send modernization messages to the masses. This essay will focus on the woodcut print, “To The Front!”by Hu Yichuan, which is a part of the New Chinese Woodcut Movement and is a good example to illustrate the impact of the import of western prints technique and styles on Chinese woodcuts during the 1930 and how the production and purpose of art had been revolutionalized and publicized.


At the time of chaos, Lu Xun and his colleagues saw the potentials of woodblock printing became a tool of enlightenment. Woodblock printing is by natural a low-cost art with high availability as the tools: knife, paper, ink and a piece of wood are materials that could be found almost anywhere. Moreover, it did not require machines or any mechanical processes that were only available in large cities and were most suitable for revolutionaries hiding from the authorities. Also of great importance, its ability to reproduce millions of copies was exactly what was needed for spreading quick and powerful revolutionary and modernization messages to the public, including those who were illiterate. The “New”, “Creative” Chinese Woodcut Movement got its name by its differentiation from the duplicating woodblock of traditional production [3] by adopting western techniques and styles in woodblock printing.


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