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论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-20编辑:黄丽樱点击率:8984

论文字数:论文编号:org200904201213507848语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Flash filmmediumFlashtechnologyChinese Flasher

Introduction: Flash film is a new type of medium as well as art form based on the new Internet technology. In recent years, it mushroomed in the cyber world and becomes a popular way of the expression in images. Chinese flash film since its childhood keeps pace as the world trends, achieves relatively success. As the Chinese independent film absent from public, flash film takes the place of independent films as a subversive medium. Aim and objectives: This essay is to be offer a panorama of the history and future of Chinese flash film and an anywise on its subversive meaning. Summary: The whole essay is divided into section. Section I is a brief introduction of the flash and flash film. Section II is an introduction of Chinese flasher and flash films. Section III is 3 case studies to demonstrate the subversion of flash films. Section IV is the description on the absence of Chinese independent films, which cause the booming of flash film as subversive media. Then comes the conclusion. I. Introduction on Flash   At the childhood of Internet, the multimedia was almost a dream. Because of the brand width, an animation in gif89a format could bring audience excitement. Then after the invention of Java, web pages became vivid. However, the inconvenience sentences its death. The Shockwave of Macromedia ignited new era of multimedia on net. At first Shockwave was based on Macromedia Director. As the mainstream software developer, shockwave detained the kingdom of multimedia in cyber world. Since the technology of shockwave director is based on the production of bitmap, the final file has a huge amount of bites, which narrowed its development in the Net. The famous Future Wave developed vector-based animation software FutureSplash Animator, which was programmed by Cel Animator. It won fame of its Internet support ability. And the Big Mac of multimedia Macromedia saw its brilliant future and bought it and renamed it as Flash 2 to make up the shortcomings of Shockwave Director. Macromedia's constant promotion and the outstanding performance of Flash2 made itself the BigMac in the cyber world.   After the successes of Flash 2, Macromedia promoted Flash 3 according to the market demand and the user's feedback. Flash technology became popular then, and web sites based on flash technology mushroomed as well. Until the Internet Explorer5.0 and Netscape Communicator 5.0 preinstalled shockwave flash as plug-in, flash became the new Internet based animation industry standard. It upgraded to 5.0 in 2000. On November 27, the first international flash film festival was hold in London. It's hard to say whether it's the debut of a new art form or a new media, but one thing is certain, flash movie has been accepted as a new art form or media form in public. II. The Chinese Flasher The Chinese flash fan called they flasher, they defined themselves as " The group seeking new net technology. They challenge themselves, study latest technology. They have the passion of creativity as well as the motivation. They try to gain its place in the cyber world for China. Some of them engage in technology, some of them engage in arts. All in all, they are pioneer of the technology and arts in the cyber world."   The word flasher first appeared in the bbs. No soon, the word became a buzz among Chinese netizens. The first Chinese flash works appeared in early 1997. Some Chinese pioneer of flash user used flash 2.0 to make their flash wo论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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