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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-09编辑:lgg点击率:5786

论文字数:37200论文编号:org201308091024264525语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 General Introduction
“目前的商务英语教学研究的设计主要是针对英语专业学生,其教学理论具有一定的实用限制”(2011年)王吉姆,它是相同的重视,以改善国际贸易专业的商务英语水平,这可的有益补充,也可作为你们是否还有教学理论国家教育部门还指出,大学英语教学模式应该转变,从传统的单调的教师为中心的教学到自由和原有的教学模式。(国家教育部2001年)考虑提到的具体EL风格的体验式学习,在过去二十年中,采用在语言教学领域。刘尧(2007)试图探讨体验教学(ET)相结合的商务英语。:陆震六安(2008)试图转移传统的教学在较高的学校牛津英语教学引入ET模式。:盛冬糜(2010)研究了ET大学英语口语教学。“The current business English teaching study is designed mainly for the Englishmajors, whose teaching theory accordingly has some practical limitations."(Wang Jim,2011) It is of the same great importance to improve international trading majors'business English level, which can also serve as a beneficial supplement to businessEnglish teaching theory.The national Education department also stated that the college English teachingmode should shift from traditional monotonous teacher-centered instruction to freeand original teaching mode.(National Education Department2001) Considering thementioned the concrete styles of Experiential learning. In the last two decades, ELwas adopted in the field of language teaching. Liu Yao (2007) attempted to exploreExperiential Teaching (ET) in combination of business English. Lu Zhenliuan (2008)tried to shift the traditional teaching in higher school oxford English teaching byintroducing ET mode. Sheng Dongmei (2010) studied the ET in college spokenEnglish teaching.

1.2 Significance and Necessity of the Study
我们已简略介绍EL或ET,为以后的研究奠定了坚实的基础上做了许多研究。EL的研究发现其早期起源和在西部的快速发展。的许多EL和ET理论今天通过从国外。EL或ET调制解调器的研究从20世纪90年代开始。据CNKI,在中国权威学术电子期刊网站,有EL1979至2011年的438篇论文,其中包括37个硕士和博士学位论文的数字表明ET的重大意义。本论文研究体验式教学与非英语专业学生的商务英语教学相结合。通过再次CNKI的研究,可以发现,有丰富的商务英语教学研究,2000至2011年共有1709通道商务英语教学。但是,体验商务英语教学,相关的研究是不够的。因此,本文进行业务教学中的体验式教学,从实际研究方面,预计传统的英语专业的商务英语教学和当前非英语专业的英语教学是一个有益的补充。We have mentioned briefly in the introduction that many researches were doneon EL or ET, which laid a solid foundation for later researching. EL research found itsearly origin and quick development in the west. Many EL and ET theories adoptedtoday were from the foreign countries. Modem researches on EL or ET started from1990s. According to CNKI, an authoritative academic e- journal Website in China,there were 438 papers related to EL from 1979 to 2011, including 37 master's anddoctor's degree thesis's.The figures demonstrate the substantial significance of ET. The thesisresearches Experiential Teaching with a combination with non-English majorstudents' business English teaching. Through CNKI research again,it could be foundthat there were abundant study on business English teaching, from 2000 to 2011altogether 1709 passages on Business English teaching. But for Experiential Teachingof Business English,the relevant research was inadequate. Therefore, this thesisconducts the Experiential Teaching of business teaching from a practical study aspect,which is expected to be a beneficial supplement to the traditional English majors'Business English teaching and the current non-English major's English teaching.

1.3 Objectives of the Study
This study aims to make an attempt to apply the ET to non-English majors'Business English teaching in local application-oriented university. Teachingexperiment based on Experiential Teaching in business English was designed toanswer whether ET can increase the interests of international majors' BusinessEnglish learning and whether ET can effectively improve international trading majors'Business English p论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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