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A Study of Etiquette in Business Negotiation-商务谈判中礼仪的研究 [5]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2014-04-02编辑:caribany点击率:28780

论文字数:6124论文编号:org201404021734391809语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Etiquette礼仪Business Negotiation商务谈判Business Etiquette


nd greeting in business situation. In business situation, we should know when to shake hands, it would beneath your rank if you don’t know the proper time to shake hands. The good time to shake hands should be:
1).When you are introduced to other and when you say goodbye to other, you should shake hands.
2).When the visitor comes into your room or office, you should shake hands to show your welcome.
3).When you go to meet your client.
4).When others send you gifts.
5).When you go to attend the reception or parties and when you take leave.
Women take note: To avoid any confusion during an introduction, always extend your hands when greeting someone. Remember, men and women are equals in the workplace.
Three keys to an effective handshake:
a. Say your name and extend your hand. In most situations, the higher-ranking person should extend the hand first. If he or she doesn’t, you should.
b. Extend your hand at a slight angle, with your thumb up.
c. Provide a firm handshake, but not a bone-breaking one.
How can you conduct an effective handshake?
Some people provide limp handshakes or else squeeze your hand so hard that you want to cry. Many of these people think they have the proper technique and would be surprised by the negative feedback. And your handshake give you a light weight appearance or the respect you deserve.
3.3 about Send cards
When to present your card, your decision regarding will be based on the situation, and also on how well acquainted you are with the participants. You will most likely present your card during your first meet someone. On the other hand, when it is the right time to do so, the card exchange usually signals the end of a first or early meeting. Presenting your card show that you may be willing to continue the conversation at another time.Don't hand out your card during a meal,wait until it's over. Don't give out cards during a private dinner party unless you are asked to do so, it blurs the business / social lines of the situation. Carry your cards with you to social events in case the opportunity to network presents itself, but don't turn a garden party into a sales presentation.

When you are not physically present, you can let your card " represent" you, For instance, enclose it when forwarding material with brief note, or when you send a business letter to someone you plan to contact in the future.
3.4about Electronic Etiquette
Email, faxes, conference calls and cell phones can create a veritable landmine of professional etiquette. Just because you have the capability to reach someone, it doesn't mean you should.
Email is so prevalent in many of today's companies that the transmission of jokes, span and personal notes often constitute more of the messages employees receive than actual work-related material. Remember that your email messages are an example of your professional correspondence. Professional correspondence does not include smiley faces or similar emotions.
Faxes should always include your contact information, date and number of pages included. They should not be sent unsolicited, they waste the other person's paper and tie up the lines.
Conference call etiquette entails introducing all the participants at the beginning of the call, so everyone knows who is in attendance. Since you're not able to see other participants' body language and 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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