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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2017-04-03编辑:cinq点击率:7444

论文字数:2000论文编号:org201704031011011970语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文



伴随着21世纪信息技术的发展,智能手机行业越来越面临着同质化的发展困境,消费者在同种商品的购买上面临着多项选择,使得公司客户的流动性非常大,而如何留住现有客户是21世纪公司发展面临的难题。因此,企业实施有效的客户关系管理,为企业创造更好的营销环境,从而在激烈的市场竞争中取得胜利。享誉全球的Apple Inc.,以别致的客户体验、优质的客户服务而闻名,这些都源于AppleInc.对CRM的重视及精心管理。接下来,我将分析CRM的作用以及CRM是如何在AppleInc.实施的。
Introduction 简介
With the development of information technology in the 21st century, the industry of smart phone is facing the developing plight of more and more homogeneous. For buying the same kind of products, consumers are facing with a number of options, which make the liquidity of customers much larger. In other words, how to retain the existing customers becomes the large challenge for the development of smart phone companies in 21st century. Thus, in order to create better marketing environment, and to win in the fierce competition of the smart phone market, enterprise must implement effective customer relationship management (CRM). The prestigious Apple Inc. is known for its unique customer experience and high quality customer service. All of these are derived from the recognition and best management on CRM by Apple Inc. In the following, I will specifically analyse the effect of CRN and how the CRM brought into in Apple Inc. 

CRM system CRM系统

CRM system is a tool to manager the customer relationship for enterprise. In specific, the CRM system is a process to satisfy customer needs by continually strengthening the communication with customers, understanding the demand of customers, improving and enhancing the product and service. The connotation of CRM is the use of information technology and internet technology to achieve the integrated marketing for customers. In other words, the CRM system is to establish a new management theory for mutual trust, mutual benefit and win-win business relationship between enterprise and customers by providing the most reasonable price and experience and satisfying the individuating demands of customers. Under the guidance of this management theory, CMR system require enterprise translate the model of product-centric to the model of customer-centric, which can truly improve customer loyalty and bring more profits for the enterprise. 

2.3 How to use CRM by Apple Inc. Apple Inc.如何使用CRM

2.3.1 Collecting customer information 
Apple Inc. has a number of different ways to collect user information, such as,creatingthe Apple ID,logging the App store for downloading the application software, online survey and so on. Apple Inc. will store the collecting information into the database. These collecting data is used for data analysis and internal research, which can help companies develop new products to satisfy the deeper needs of customers. The CRM system allows customers to experience more convenient and more personalized products and services. This user information can also be used for market research, market analysis. Moreover, the information of CMR will help the company navigate the advertising activities to the correct target market. 
2.3.2 Cookie
The technology of “Cookie” is widely applied in the Web site, E-mail, and application software of Apple Inc. The technology of “Cookie” will help Apple Inc. better unders论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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