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从语言顺应论看中文时尚杂志中书面语码转换现象的问题 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2021-06-17编辑:vicky点击率:4470

论文字数:41255论文编号:org202106131433209187语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



havemade great contributions to studying pragmatic functions of C-E CS, but still not inthe context of fashion magazines. Therefore, by exploring the reasons behind thesuccess of C-E CS in Chinese fashion magazines, this thesis broadens the researchfields of CS in China.

Secondly, previous studies on CS rarely touched upon the possible problems, thatis, the suitability of using CS when it comes to the switching between Chinese andEnglish. As a result, the present study provides additional evidence with respect tocertain linguistic problems with CS. There are two situations. On the one hand, someforeign concepts, if translated into Chinese, are more familiar and acceptable toChinese people, such as Mercedes-Benz (奔驰), Porsche (保时捷) and Honda (本田).Consequently, it is advisable to forget linguistic switching to English and merely usethe Chinese translation. On the other hand, some concepts, if kept in the form ofinitialism, receive much more popularity than their full names in China, such as LouisVuitton and LV, Yves Saint Laurent and YSL. In this case, it is wiser to switch to thesimple initialism rather than stick to the complex full name. The above examples aresome of the imperfect CS detected in the fashion magazines that disregard thelocalization or adaptation strategy in dealing with the language form in China. Similarfailed examples of C-E CS would be identified and analyzed later. In addition toexploring the reasons for the use of C-E CS in fashion magazines in China, thisresearch will also report some imperfect C-E CS and at the same time explain theadverse effects.



2.1 Theoretic reviews on CS

Owing to its linguistic and social significance, CS has enjoyed interdisciplinarystudies since its birth at the late twentieth century. The following section demonstratesthe main perspectives of CS research, that is, the sociolinguistic, syntactic,psycholinguistic, conversational analysis, and pragmatic perspectives.

2.1.1 Sociolinguistic perspective

The first serious discussions and analyses of CS emerged during the 1970s in the fieldof sociolinguistics, and it was thought of as a social event and almost certainly will beinfluenced by social factors like race, gender, social status, and so on (Jean-Marc & LiWei, 2014:237). This perspective captures the social meaning and motivations behindCS by studying language contact and by exploring the relationship between socialfactors and CS on a macro level. Most CS studies in sociolinguistic perspectiveexamine the relationship between language and rights or obligations, power andinequality, and confirms that CS cannot be separated from social factors and norms (Auer, 1998:3).

Among studies from this perspective, Gumperz’ (Blom & Gumperz, 1972)situational CS and metaphorical CS, and Myers-Scotton’s (1998) markedness modelare the most acknowledged theories for studying CS.


2.2 Previous studies on CS in fashion magazines

Very little was found in the literature on the issue of CS in fashion magazines. In thecase of the switching between English and Asian languages in fashion magazines,there are two available studies to be mentioned. Firstly, Hyunju Park (2004)conducted qualitative research on English 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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