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基于GSP对特斯拉年报风险因素中模糊限制语的思考 [4]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2021-06-29编辑:vicky点击率:4574

论文字数:论文编号:org202106271501559929语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 44



Under this aim, hedges that havebeen more significantly adopted than the other kinds of hedges are also investigated.“Risk factors” were selected from the annual reports to construct corpus RFTCAR.Hedges were identified according to Hyland s model.

Content-oriented hedges and reader-oriented hedges are both used in corpusRFTCAR. The subcategories of content-oriented hedges, which are accuracy-orientedhedges and writer-oriented hedges, are also used in corpus RFTCAR. Two types ofaccuracy-oriented hedges including attribute-oriented hedges and reliability-orientedhedges are both adopted in corpus RFTCAR. The frequency of each kind of hedgewas calculated by software AntConc. Content-oriented hedges have been used 14,788times while reader-oriented hedges have been used 5,919 times. Accuracy-orientedhedges have been used 12,069 times while writer-oriented hedges have been used2,719 times. Attribute-oriented hedges have been used 4,519 times whilereliability-oriented hedges have been used 7,550 times. The frequency analysis hasbeen conducted by software IBM SPSS. Content-oriented hedges are moresignificantly adopted than reader-oriented hedges. Accuracy-oriented hedges are moresignificantly adopted than writer-oriented hedges. Reliability-oriented hedges aremore significantly adopted than attribute-oriented hedges.

Content analysis is adopted to find out how hedges observe or violate GSP. Fromthe perspective of GSP, hedges are adopted to observe hear-oriented constraints (1),(3), (5), (7), (9) of GSP in order to maintain a positive relationship between the writerand readers. Meanwhile, hedges are employed to avoid over-stating information byobserving speaker-oriented constraints (2), (6), (8), (10) of GSP. However, to presenta positive image of Tesla hedges are used to violate speaker-oriented constraint (4) ofGSP.



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