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CRM Case Study On Orbitz: How to Insult, Irritate, Patronize, Stress And Lose Customers

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:案例分析 Case Study登出时间:2010-05-28编辑:steelbeezxp点击率:5159

论文字数:1017论文编号:org201005282042326652语种:英语 English地区:荷兰价格:免费论文

关键词:CRMCase StudyCustomers

CRM Case Study On Orbitz: How to Insult, Irritate, Patronize, Stress And Lose Customers

David Sims September 29, 2006

The ongoing Orbitz live CRM case study has been completed, and I'm sorry to report that through some of the worst customer service I've ever experienced, they've destroyed whatever possibilities for customer loyalty may have existed with us.

Basically, my family of five is flying from Istanbul to Washington, D.C. round-trip for Thanksgiving. We went online to look for tickets, and we'd had good experiences, both in price and customer service, with both Expedia and Travelocity, so we figured Orbitz was kind of like those guys.

We booked tickets, and went on Orbitz's site to pick out the seats, a feature they offer which we like.  It's booked through Alitalia but a few legs are operated by Delta, we have Istanbul-Milan, Milan-Boston, Boston-Washington going, and Washington-Atlanta, Atlanta-Milan, Milan-Istanbul coming. We filled in seat requests for all six flights, Orbitz charged our card for just north of $3,100, we figured the matter closed.

Then we noticed that the seats for the Washington-Atlanta and Atlanta-Milan legs were "pending," not confirmed. We sent an e-mail to the Orbitz customer service address promising "We try to answer all queries in three hours," or something like that, saying hey, what's going on here, we've paid and these seats are unconfirmed? Visions of being stranded at the D.C. airport danced through our heads.
My wife wrote to them and I did too.

Let's review: In CRM, the first priority is to make a good first impression on a customer. Orbitz failed there. Not the end of the world -- as I wrote on the first instalment, the problem isn't the problem. How you handle the problem is much more important.

Customer loyalty is frequently won for good in the resolution of a problem. It's like a relationship that hasn't had any fights: You don't know what'll happen when a real problem comes up. When you have www.51lunwen.org a fight and get over it you have a stronger relationship, right? Same with customers.

Look, nobody's going to provide perfect service. Not Orbitz, not Southwest, Nordstrom's, Amazon.com, Ritz-Carlton, Rolls-Royce, nobody. We customers don't expect perfect customer service. We expect problems to be handled the right way, and we'll give an amazing amount of loyalty to a company who does so.

So Orbitz's response to our problem was… no response. Not even an autoresponder saying "We've received your e-mail." We sent another e-mail saying look, we're getting concerned that we've paid you and we can't get seats confirmed on these two flights. Orbitz couldn't be bothered to answer that one either. Not a concern, evidently, they had their $3,100, what did they care about our personal problems?

So yesterday I sent them a fourth e-mail telling them I'd contacted our credit card bank and was requesting them to cancel the payment and that we'd rebook with someone else.
And I did, that wasn't an empty threat. I sent an e-mail to my bank instructing them to do that. And -- this is the honest 100% truth -- three or four minutes later I got a phone text message from my wife saying "Seats confirmed on all flights."

I called her back and it turns out this thing about Orbitz not giving us confirmed seats was stressing her out to the point where she took time off work to go to the Delta office here in Istanbul and论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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