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丰田和惠普公司的顾客关系管理案例分析 [6]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:案例分析 Case Study登出时间:2015-01-05编辑:pesix1点击率:15638

论文字数:3779论文编号:org201501041650235258语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Customers Lifecycle顾客生命周期Customer relationship management顾客关系管理


h this, HP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Services provides a proven approach to catch — and surpass — the competition.

As shown in a picture below, the customers progress through the steps of this life cycle (inner blue) as they engage with a company through the various interaction channels they choose (gray). Successful companies support each life cycle step with reciprocating front office functions (green) to optimize the customer experience.

例证3--Ilustration 3

For over 30 years, HP ES has been successfully designing and delivering to clients around the world CRM solutions ranging from customer-facing operations management, contact center technology management, and global fulfillment and logistics. The company's solutions are based on this comprehensive suite of offerings:

1. Contact Center Outsourcing Services
Contact Center Outsourcing Services is a tool which provides you to reached outcomes such as growth, cost reduction, improved customer retention, and mitigated risk.

例证4--Ilustration 4

HP has more than 30 years of Contact center experience which supports entire customer life cycle.

HP Contact Center Outsourcing Services ensures the management and operation of your outbound and inbound contact centers handling high value, complex customer interactions. Whether embedded in an industry-specific solution or standalone, company's contact center services support customers with multiple channels for voice and non-voice interactions throughout the entire customer life cycle from marketing to sales to service.

2. CRM托管服务--CRM Managed Services

CRM Managed Services is a universal hosted and managed contact center infrastructure service that enables clients to virtualize their telephony and contact center technologies and springboard off end-of-life and disparate systems environments to a state of the art, world class, stable and secure platform.

3. 顾客直接服务--Consumer Direct Services

Consumer Direct Services is a tool with which you can provide an end-to-end solution that facilitates the flow of information from order to delivery. The HP Company uses this tool for trying to keep it customer.

Hewlett-Packard Company captures customer intelligence, handles sales and service inquiries, works with sales requests and warehouses, and distributes products for direct-to-consumer companies around the globe.

It is also possible that company integrates online, catalog, direct media and other channels a seamless environment to give you a single view of your customers. Plus, no matter where you go or how fast you move, HP has the scale to grow with you.

4. 软件发布服务--Software Publishing Services

Software Publishing Services offers a complete business processing solution for logistics of software publishing and distribution. As it is mentioned before, HP has about 30 years of experience in delivering full product life论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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