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对领英组织(Utilitec)的管理问题研究的case study

论文作者:英国论文论文属性:案例分析 Case Study登出时间:2015-01-12编辑:pesix4点击率:9867

论文字数:3214论文编号:org201501111110459969语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:Utilitec Servicesmanagement公司research



Utilitec Services, part of Technolog Holdings Group, is a medium sized organisation providing consultancy and installation and maintenance services to a wide range of clients within the UK Water and Energy Utilities sector. The Organisation experienced steady organic growth from its inception in 1992 with 5 employees, to 2007 with 57 employees, at which point growth became more significant with a 90% increase in employees between 2007 and 2009. This rapid growth posed a number of challenges to the management and operational employees, both new and existing, that they had not previously experienced. Due to the increases in employee numbers, additional layers of management were introduced and roles and responsibilities were clearly identified. The company had transformed from one with a small number of experienced industry professionals to one with a significant number of staff who were completely new to the industry and predominantly aged between 19 and 25. Salaries are reviewed annually and decisions on salary increases and / or bonus payments are decided by the management team, which consists of the managing director, sales director, technical director and two senior managers. Due to the number of employees being reviewed, it was becoming increasingly difficult to be able to accurately assess an individual’s performance based on a brief assessment by a member of the management team during their initial interview.

Operational personnel, located at various sites around the country, sometimes working from home or from a clients office, rarely have contact with senior management and sometimes any employee. As such, these employees may not feel part of a team or not know how they may develop their career.

Therefore, it has been decided to introduce a merit-based performance appraisal system back it up with a Reference. Then critique it with another. The desired results of introducing such a system are; that accurate data is produced on employee’s performance throughout the previous year so that an informed and consistent decision on salary and bonus payments can be made. In addition, by developing a system that withstands verification, employee’s attitudes and behaviours should be positively affected, thus increasing employee performance and productivity.

In the context of this research proposal, it is imperative that the management team are aware of the possible effects of introducing such a system on employee’s motivation and performance. The management team will need to ensure that the appraisal system adopted is fair, is perceived by the employees as being fair, and produces the desired results for the Organisation.

研究目的---Purpose of the Study:

The purpose of this study is to obtain a full understanding of the dynamics of employee attitudes and behaviours following the introduction of an appraisal system. The management team will need to consider the findings of 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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