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丹麦企业文化职称论文定制-enterprise culture Denmark [6]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2012-01-21编辑:kalila点击率:14100

论文字数:9420论文编号:org201201210958268885语种:英语 English地区:丹麦价格:免费论文

关键词:代写丹麦职称论文丹麦企业文化enterprise cultureDenmark

摘要:Enterprise Culture, or called organization Culture (Corporate Culture or Organizational Culture, is an organization by its values, beliefs, ceremony, symbols, and other components of the manner of its unique cultural image.

concept. Including the spirit of enterprise, enterprise management philosophy, enterprise morality, enterprise value idea, enterprises style and content, is the enterprise ideology combined.
Five steps
The first step: enterprise internal starting enterprise strategic culture committee and related departments, by the specialist is responsible (best is the enterprise the tallest leadership), and professional consultation and cooperation agency established enterprise culture implementation team; The second step: investigation and analysis of the present situation, the industry situation, the enterprise competition situation, the enterprise such as the ultimate goal, it is concluded that the necessity of enterprise, enterprise development requirements; Step 3: scientific, artistic vision, summarizes the enterprise mission, the spirit of enterprise, enterprise concept, enterprise strategy, enterprise slogan, etc.; Step 4; According to the LiNianCeng and extracts have enterprise actual requirement, design enterprise behavior standards, including employee behavior standards, standard service, production specifications, crisis management standard, the ceremony, ceremony; Step 5: enterprise image system planning, generally want to please professional design agency. To ensure that the design conforms to the artistic quality, internationalization, high recognition, industry requirements, etc.; Enterprise in the above part design planning finish, should first implement enterprise visual image the application of the system, through the visual image system's implementation, and can make the enterprise image in a very short time changed, no doubt, will be in the society, the enterprise in the industry, employees have a great psychological repercussions, employee to a new image and new ideas, new interest in strategic goals. The be born however pride. At this time, to carry out the spirit of enterprise, enterprise concept, enterprise rules will be easier. Assisted by long-term training, cultural activities, commending the excellent representative character, advocating heroic deeds. Enterprise atmosphere, the enterprise environment atmosphere look brand-new. Employees must be personal goals and strategic objective to agree. The enterprise culture is also gradually moving towards the strong culture. But at the same time required to have a business enterprise inside to the transformation of the leadership team, can continuously updates and change the enterprise culture (namely enterprise culture and positioning), shaping the high quality talent respect professional managers, for talent to create a good environment for enterprise culture in enterprise strategy implementation, core competence in the building of always play an active role.
Operation management
1. The enterprise culture as a kind of modern enterprise management theory, is to put the enterprise values permeate all aspects of the business management in enterprise, at all levels and whole process, with the means of culture, cultural function, the power of the culture, to promote enterprise overall quality, management level and improve the economic benefits of the. Enterprise culture operation includes: 1. The incentive mechanism. Enterprise culture management priority is aroused people's enthusiasm, the incentive means has: the target motivation, participation motivation, to enhance the motivation, leader words and deeds incentive. 2. Discipline mechanism. Should have a specific sta论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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