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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-10-11编辑:yangcheng点击率:13082

论文字数:6967论文编号:org201409251254351037语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:高档服装行业留学生论文Economics EssayClothing Industry







质量可以由两个主要指标来确定 (Lu,2008)。第一个指标是基于个体感知的质量,这可以归因于品牌,公司历史,产品成分,最重要的是该产品是否满足客户的期望(联合国工业发展组织,2006年)。此外,售前服务、售后服务、交付和定价也在个体对质量的感知中扮演着重要的角色 (Doshi,2010)。

High Quality Clothing Industry In China Economics Essay

It is important to clarify exactly what is meant by the word quality in order to create a level playing field for analysis as well as a common understanding. Dissection is not at easy task because at the end of the day the customer ultimately decides the quality level of a garment (Doshi, 2010), so quality can be seen through many different lenses. However, analyzing the many layers of quality can create a better understanding for the reader and how the word will be used through out analysis. The topic could be discussed in great lengths due to the complexity of the subject, but will be limited yet still comprehensive enough for a full understanding as within the scope of the thesis.

2. Perceived Quality versus Actual Quality

Two major indicators can be identified for quality (Lu, 2008). The first indicator is based on an individual’s perception of quality, which is much ascribed to branding, company history, product ingredients, and most importantly whether or not the product fulfils a customer’s expectation (UNIDO, 2006). Furthermore, pre-sale service, post-sale service, delivery, and pricing plays a large role in an individual’s perception of quality (Doshi, 2010). The second indicator is actual quality, which can be attributed to actual material quality, craftsmanship, and skill. There are specific characteristics that attribute to actual quality such as faults in make, color fastness, and shrinkage (Gibbon & Ponte 2005). For the purpose of the paper, the focus will inherently encompass both perceived and actual quality indicators due to the dynamic nature of the clothing industry.

3. The Concept of High-Quality Versus Luxury,

The words quality and luxury tend to be used as interchangeable words yet, in actuality, are not synonyms as should be distinguished. Making the division between the two concepts is important especially for China. The word luxury does not have the same connotation as high-quality and, in fact, the translation and history is of a negative one (Lu, 2008). Luxury translates into a combination of extravagant, arrogant, and wasteful causing great confusion for the premium businesses in China and far from the message that is trying to be portrayed (Lu, 2008).

Six sub-parts of luxury can be identified: high-quality, high-price, scarce/unique, aesthetic, brand history/heritage, and inessential (Lu, 2008). Accordingly, high-quality can be considered a criterion of luxury. Moreover, two other sub-parts of luxury stem from high-quality: high-price, and scarcity/uniqueness (Lu, 2008). For further explanation, with high-quality, logically comes a high-price, fulfilling the idea of luxury (Lu, 2008). In some studies, the impact of price on quality perception is more important than brand name/heritage itself (d’Astous & Saint-Louis, 2005). 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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