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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-05-31编辑:felicia点击率:24802

论文字数:11964论文编号:org201505252331527079语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文





Allied Bank Ltd. has a history of about half the century in Pakistan with a mega network of branches that are numbered more than 1000, 200 out of which are automated branches, over 225 ALB. ATMs in 41 cities nation wide and network of over 12 banks on the meant ATM switch. Ten years after privation, ABL is now in spoliation stage designed to lock in the gains made in recent years and prepares the ground work for future growth.

The study examines the source and size of problems and recommendation to reduce it. For this purpose I have conducted interviews and literature survey in order to investigate the role of securities and organization effectiveness through important variables.

The main topic of the project is to conduct a survey on the securities and bad debts. The report is sequenced as firstly, I have defined a problem statement for the mentioned topic followed by theoretical frame work convening the relationship between depend variables i.e. securities can minimize bad debts and independent variables i.e. mortgage, pledge, hypothecation etc. related to the subject matter.

Together regarding the topic have prepared a questionnaire that has been filled by fifteen professionals of different banks and as well as of ABL belonging to different department working at different levels in the organization.

After completing literature survey and defining problem there is need to develop theoretical framework. In it I discovered that different variables can affect bad debts. I am considering all important variables that can affect company.

First we defined the loan and its types and then different types of securities which the customers give to the loan and its types. If the customers repay the on due date then these receivables become fruitful assets of the organization. If the customer does not return these loans on due date then bank declared these uncollectible receivables as bad debts. We discussed the reasons of these receivables, how securities play important role for bank to recover these receivables and how bad debts can be minimized. After making theoretical framework, we also conduct the testing which provides accurate and precise result of this research.

About the problem we obtained a lot of information from literature review, which contain information about securities, bad debts, and its recovery. I gave the recover ordinance that plays an important role in the recovery of the advances or loans i.e. ordinance of 1997 and 2005 that contains legal condition, rules and regulation.

After the analysis and findings conclusions is made followed by some recommendations. At least bibliography covers the list of references used for the completion of the research. Finally I have attached organization chart and some forms and applications about securities and its rule and regulation.

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