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澳洲创业管理留学论文 [3]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2015-07-22编辑:wangjinjin点击率:11686

论文字数:5188论文编号:org201507221045346781语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文



hat exist in the country.

3.2: Marketing analysis - After conducting the complete survey, few things came up, which were very much important and unavoidable, such as, with the changes in technology and trends everyone is willing to move ahead with latest technologies. Keeping themselves updated with the latest news, advancements in technology, coming up of various technological gadgets in the market is a phenomenon not only concerned with the youth but also with people of higher age groups.

3.3: Marketing Plan - We have planned our café to be equipped with all the latest technologies like upgraded systems with high speed internet connection with much more comfortable cabins and centralized air conditioning. The cabins will be fully furnished with comfortable chairs, computer tables and an additional side chair for the person accompanying the customer. By investigating the complete area Brunswick East, VIC, Melbourne, we have realized that most of the people frequently visit other places for printing, scanning and photocopying. So our plan will be to facilitate the customers with printing machines, scanning machines and photocopying machines at our cyber café at cheaper rates. As our cyber café will be located at a commercial place we have decided to keep even fax machines for the convenience of our customers.

3.3.1: Target Market - The target customers for our company will be mostly teenagers and professionals, as it has been found that most of the internet users belong to this age group. In this era of advancement, it can be observed that even the people from the higher age group are accepting the new technologies and moving on with the latest trends. For such persons, the Matrix Cyber cafe intends to have a well furnished sitting area with much comfortable sofa sets and magazines for their leisure. The target audience will also include students, locals as well as students coming from different countries for studying purposes. With the help of personal interviews we have concluded that most of the teenagers as well as professionals spend most of the time on the internet by surfing different websites relating to work or leisure, or by connecting with their friends and relatives throughout the world.

3.3.2: Promotions and advertisements: Few advertisement strategies are carried out for promoting and advertising about the company. 2 weeks before starting the operations, an advertisement will be published in various newspapers and on known web sites. Personal emails will be sent, and the pamphlets will be distributed in the nearby colleges, offices and to the people visiting the commercial complex where our café is to be set up.

3.3.3: Pricing- The pricing was done by surveying the different cyber cafés in the country, we have done our pricing in that way which will convenient and affordable, which will be cost effective when compared to other cyber cafés.

3.4: Evaluation of Marketing- All the above steps taken to promote the business will help in building a brand image for the business. For starting any business, promotions and advertisements are the main pillars for the business identity as well as for the growth of the business. With the help of promotions and advertisements a company can create their image in the customers 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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