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Sustainability Report:financial markets analysis [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:报告 Report登出时间:2011-02-12编辑:anterran点击率:82949

论文字数:21412论文编号:org201102120942496870语种:英语 English地区:丹麦价格:免费论文

关键词:analysisfinancial marketsSustainability Report

ration of Numico affected this plan?
Danone has become the second largest global player in the nutrition of babies and very young
children, an age group where Danone’s mission to bring health through nutrition makes
absolute sense. In January 2008, immediately after the acquisition, we engaged in dialogue
with the organisations working on these issues. This dialogue facilitated a convergence on the
interpretation and application of the World Health Organization Code concerning the marketing
of breast milk substitutes (published in 1981), and we are now determined to advance with
concrete efforts. I am particularly convinced of the need to strengthen the support for promoting
breastfeeding and subsequently to support young children having access to complementary
balanced nutrition of a good quality.
In which areas has Danone made most progress in 2008?
Measuring the environmental footprint is an area where we made great progress in 2008.
Danone has developed a measurement tool to measure the carbon emissions of our operations
by taking into account the entire value chain from upstream agricultural activities right through
to the packaging end-of-life. This tool was tested in 2007 and more widely rolled out in 2008
to the Waters and Dairy Products Divisions. All subsidiaries of the two divisions now have
precise knowledge of their impact and ambitious targets for reduction have been set until 2011.
In addition to this very proactive action to reduce our direct impacts, Danone has embarked
on an innovative approach to offset the emissions remaining after reduction. In 2008, in
partnership with the Ramsar Convention and the International Union for the Conservation of
Nature, we created the Danone Fund for Nature, whose purpose is to support the restoration of
ecosystems combining carbon sequestration, maintenance of biodiversity and preservation of
water resources. Initial achievements in 2009 include the restoration of mangroves, which play
an important role in either slowing or accelerating climate change. This innovative approach
that emphasises reduction and compensation will enable us to move towards achieving carbon
neutrality for our brands.
Bottled water, in which you’re one of the two world leaders, is a category
that is now facing criticism in developed countries, both on its price and its
environmental impact ...
There are many myths in this debate. Firstly, it must be clarified that mineral water is not an
“ecological aberration”: it is the opposite. In the true sense of the term, there is no product
that can claim to be more natural. There is nothing to filter, nothing to hide, nothing to add,
or disguise. It emerges from the depths of the earth, free from any pollutants and receives no
special treatment and no chemical treatment. It is even better than organic product. Which gives
us yet another reality: the producers of mineral water are the best allies of the environment in
the regions where they operate. For one simple reason: no other player has such an interest in
protecting its environment. In saying this, the idea is not to ignore the issue of the environmental
impact of the transport and packaging of mineral water. But again, we must recall some facts.
For example, a total of 2/3 of shipments of Danone Eaux France (Volvic, Evian, Badoit) are
actually arranged by rail or barge. How many other activities c论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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