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GMAT考试逻辑模拟题及参考答案 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2010-05-30编辑:vshellyn点击率:11024

论文字数:760论文编号:org201005301123437266语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文


d up production, but it also assures quality. The reason is that the bottlenecks and delays cannot be eliminated unless all work is done right the first time.

The claim about quality made above rests on a questionable presupposition that

(A)any flaw in work on a product would cause a bottleneck or delay and so would be prevented from occurring on a “fast cycle” production line

(B) the strategy of “fast cycle time” would require fundamental rethinking of product design

(C) the primary goal of the organization is to produce a product of unexcelled quality, rather than to generate profits for stockholders

(D) “fast cycle time” could be achieved by shaving time off each of the component processes in production cycle

(E) “fast cycle time” is a concept in business strategy that has not yet been put into practice in a factory

8.Blood banks will shortly start to screen all donors for NANB hepatitis.Although the new screening tests are estimated to disqualify up to 5 percent of all prospective blood donors, they will still miss two-thirds of donors carrying NANB hepatitis. Therefore, about 10 percent of actual donors will still supply NANB-contaminated blood.

The argument above depends on which of the following assumptions?

(A)Donors carrying NANB hepatitis do not,in a large percentage of cases, carry other infections for which reliable screening tests are routinely performed.

(B) Donors carrying NANB hepatitis do not,in a large percentage of cases, develop the disease themselves at any point.

(C) The estimate of the number of donors who would be disqualified by tests for NANB hepatitis is an underestimate.

(D) The incidence of NANB hepatitis is lower among the potential blood donors than it is in the population at large.

(E) The donors who will still supply NANB-contaminated blood will donate blood at the average frequency for all donors.

9.A researcher discovered that people who have low levels of immune-system activity tend to score much lower on tests of mental health than do people with normal or high immune-system activity. The researcher concluded from this experiment that the immune system protects against mental illness as well as against physical disease.


The researcher's conclusion depends on which of the following assumptions?

(A) High immune-system activity protects against mental illness better than normal immune-system activity does.

(B) Mental illness is similar to physical disease in its effects on body system.

(C) People with high immune-system activity cannot develop mental illness.

(D) Mental illness does not cause people's immune-system activity to decrease.

(E) Psychological treatment of mental illness is not as effective as is medical treatment.

10.The program to control the entry of illegal drugs into the country was a failure in 1987. If the program had been successful, the wholesale price of most illegal drugs would not have dropped substantially in 1987.

The argument in the passage depends on which of the following assumptions?

(A) The supply of illegal drugs dropped substantially in 1987.

(B) The price paid for most illegal drugs by the average consumer did not drop substantially in 1987.

(C) Domestic production of illegal drugs increased at a higher rate than did the entry of such drugs into the country. <论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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