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GMAT作文机经AI(2011年10-11月)(8) [2]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:考试题 Examination登出时间:2012-04-25编辑:walter点击率:11912

论文字数:3745论文编号:org201204252310557272语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文


摘要:GMAT作文机经AI (2011年10-11月)(8),提供英语职称评定论文代写发表,英语教师职称论文发表,英语教学职称论文代发,英语专业论文发表

Never before have we had so many spectacular diversions available, or so many leisure- and entertainment-related businesses vying for our attention. Moreover, we can obtain everything form airline tickets to a language course and holiday wardrobe via the Internet, in the convenience of our own homes.
  Nevertheless, advances in business and technology have compromised our quality of life as well. For all the wonders of computers, they have spawned their own special illnesses and ailments, like severe eyestrain, back and neck problems, and carpal tunnel syndrome. And though we now have a world of information available in a keystroke, some of this information—like pornography, hate group diatribes and bomb-building instructions—are harming our society, especially our children. Even apparently harmless material, like direct mail advertising and telephone soliciting, is endlessly annoying. Finally, family life is sometimes a casualty of all this progress, with parents and children spending more time transfixed before their computer monitors and less time together.
  In conclusion, advances in business and technology are a mixed blessing. For while we enjoy many benefits of this so-called progress, in many ways it has changed our lives for the worse.
  原题:Although most people wish to live long lives, attempting to significantly extend the average human life span would be a mistake. If achieved, this would place an enormous burden on resources, lowering the quality of life for everyone.
  What if , by the end of this century, we could more than double average life-span to between 160 and 180? Given that possibility, these are the issues that should be thoroughly discussed and debated. At some point, the number of people may become so large that it exceeds the carrying capacity of the planet, making life miserable for the vast majority of humans (and impossible for other species), even sowing the seeds for our own destruction.
  The quality of life for very old people may be severely diminished, if changing the boundaries of aging is not accompanied by reasonable health. Certain tissues and organs may deteriorate even as life-span is markedly prolonged, so people may live 140 years with ever –worsening sight, hearing, mental function, and musculoskeletal function. Meanwhile, we might be expected to work, support ourselves, and pay taxes until age 80, 90, 110 or older. Some of us will outlive our resources and spend our extended years live in poverty. This would likely create intense adversarial relations between younger and older persons as they compete for limited jobs and resources.
  financial gain在choose career中到底有多重要
  原题:No.31 Financial benefit should be the most important factor when choosing a career
  把收入作为选择职业的首要考虑因素会使人忽视了生命中更应该追求的其他东西。事实上有许多人为了追求更为重要的目标而放弃了使自己获得最大收入的职业。象是特蕾莎修女,她以助人为快乐。尽管在物质上是清贫的但是却在别人快乐的同时自己也得到了幸福的回报。Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, dedicated the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in India. Although she was not rich all through her life, she was happier than most of her contemporaries because she gained happiness when she helped the poor. bliss blessedness 还有一些人为了做全职家长更好的照顾孩子更是完全牺牲了得到钱的职业。在他们看来和家人在一起生活照顾他们的起居饮食是自己最开心的事情。
  诚然经济基础是一切其他活动的前提,但追求钱以外更重要的目标并不一定意味着就会得不到物质回报或者是一定会过得潦倒。事实上两者是可以相互促进的。一个追求智力上或者是创造力上的成就的人象是作家艺术家或者是音乐家当他们的作品问世时候他们同时也得到了物质的回报。others choose to pursue intell论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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