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英语作业应用文的在线辅助教学系统研究报告 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-12-28编辑:hynh1021点击率:18808

论文字数:32300论文编号:org201212272252513536语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



inside and outside the classroom. Also, manyproblems occur due to this, such as stray  the subject, improper way of textualdevelopment, having little to say or the improper expression.Fourthly, writing is a complex process. It requires students to build the strategies ofunderstanding the writing subject, pre-writing, drafting, writing, editing and rewriting. But,in fact, students are quite ignorant of the writing process. They do not take it seriously. Itis often the case that teachers assign a topic in class, and students will, after class, spendlittle time completing it, even first draft in Chinese then translate it  English as theChinese mode. Not writing a composition according to the natural writing process,students skip many steps, just write directly. They seldom do pre-writing and drafting, letalone editing and writing.Fifthly, students' confidence in writing has been defeated by teachers' “redcorrections”. Negative feedback can encourage students to make progresses at a certainextent, however, too much negative feedback can make students lose confidence. At thesame time, providing feedback that promotes learning is a definitely time-consuming andintellectually challenging task. While teachers always complain that correction of students’writings is very time-consuming and energy-consuming, and students almost never botherteachers still hold the belief that writing is not as important as other language skills.(2) Teaching writing methods are obsolete and their effects are rather limited. Theyusually give students a topic and let them write. Besides traditional teaching methods,many new teaching theories and approaches have been introduced to the teaching field,such as communicative teaching and collaborative teaching, even to say the newtechnology aided teaching mode. But it is still a problem of how these new teachingapproaches should be put to practical use and how these should cater to individual studentswho are so different. Therefore, what is the effective way of teaching writing? It reallyneeds investigating.(3) Teachers’ time-consuming correction and students’ indifferent feedback are bigchallenges that puzzle the teaching field. Is it worthwhile to correct all their mistakes? Arethe comments helpful to students? Are there any other ways to do the corrections? Thesequestions also need to be solved.

  1.2 Learning style changing学习风格变化
  With stepping  the era of knowledge economy in the 21st century, radical changeshave taken place in people’s life, work as well as learning styles. For mankind, especiallyfor the college students, it is of vital significance to change their learning styles and armthemselves with the ability of learning independently to keep in pace with the time.Recently, how to cultivate and improve learners’ Self-access Language Learning (SALL)ability is increasingly attracting people’s attention in the field of language education,which functions as being in accordance with the notion of “learner-centered learning” and“life-long learning”. Moreover, how to integrate SALL with on-line learning environmentis the target trend of language teaching reform.As is known to all, in recent decades, computer technology, multimedia technology,network technology have developed rapidly. Digital teaching resources on the net wereused widely by educational researchers, teachers and students. Teaching mode andteaching methods have been dramatically changed. How to make use of com论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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