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荷兰论文范文:探究荷兰泰尔斯海灵岛发展生态旅游 [2]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2012-04-24编辑:lena ding点击率:12288

论文字数:2954论文编号:org201204241011285398语种:英语 English地区:荷兰价格:免费论文

关键词:terschellingeco-tourismecological awarenessmissionary


ling, impact and countermeasures
The last century the late 1960s and early 1970s, the largest pillar industry of tourism has been the biggest threat. 1974 Recreatie en Natuurbehoud reports, regardless of the sustainability of how strong and how high the level of management, the more people on the island, the greater the impact on the island environment, and the extent of the damage on the island's natural ecosystem. the more serious.
The above problems, the local government to develop appropriate management measures, decided to take the road of eco-tourism, and cooperation with other stakeholders, trying to stop the island's ecology continued to deteriorate. The main management measures are as follows:
(1) new infrastructure. Existing roads, lighting system has been improved to adapt to the needs of tourists. Accommodation number of people over the same period since 1974 has decreased from 21619 to 19256 people. The method is to shorten the mean residence time and to extend the tourist season. After transformation, the accommodation and facilities have been designed as a combination of ecological and aesthetic, and the new structure meets the standards of international sustainable development [8].
(2) 2000, terschelling all the laying of a sewer. Wastewater is collected through the wastewater treatment facility for processing, and then as a supplemental source of water of the wetland emissions [9].
(3) All solid waste transported out of the island for treatment and disposal [9]. The scattered wastes collected are classified together with the appropriate treatment and disposal in the island.
(4) to reduce terschelling production for drinking water use, and provides 90% of the drinking water needs from the inland [9]; on the island water system repair.
(5) increase the development efforts of the island and the island of public transport. The number of cars island is still growing, the traffic situation is very tense. The 1996 study showed that 65% of cars on the road on the island settlers, and the remaining 35% of car tourists. This indicates that the tense situation on the island traffic is caused by the settlers.
(6) to improve the ecological protection and environmental protection consciousness of people. Through the development of a rigorous and comprehensive institutional system, to promote people's awareness continues to increase.


3 terschelling eco-tourism road
3.1 The challenge
Generally speaking, this is a management and social challenges facing terschelling. The number of tourists since the mid-1970s, an increase of 200 percent in the year 1999 alone, the island the number of visitors reached 353,842 people. In this regard, it will face follows a severe test:
(1) on the island can handle the growing number of tourists;
(2) inland when ready to bear the burden of pollution control from the island;
(3) present and future way out.
Should be to consider the above issues and related economic, social dimension, and to develop countermeasures program, in order to maintain the sustainability of the ecological environment terschelling. Continue the current eco-tourism road is the road only has environmental benefits of tourism development in terschelling.

3.2 eco-tourism building needs to be done
3.2.1 change the mode of thinking of the tourists
Terschelling The reason attracts many tourists because the island has many unique natural environment and the 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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