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Business Essay-容量规划和时机策略

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2015-11-12编辑:chenyuting点击率:6311

论文字数:1607论文编号:org201511061515032882语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:Capacity Planning设施位置Georgia Pacific


business essay-容量规划和时机策略





Capacity planning And Timing strategy 

This report discusses a case study on capacity planning and facility location at Georgia Pacific a company that has undergone growth. The case study illustrate the importance of growth and its linkage to the environment. The report first start with defining the capacity planning and control then looks at capacity-timing strategy Georgia Pacific uses and the factors that influence this strategy. Then looks at major factors that it used to make its capacity expansion decision and what other factors might the company have considered. The report then further explain the technique Georgia Pacific used to make its facility location decision and what other facility factors might the company have considered. Also the report looks at how environmental considerations affect capacity planning and facility location at Georgia Pacific and lastly in my own opinion explain if Georgia pacific has made the correct capacity planning and facility location. Finally the report concludes with Georgia pacific production style, the manner in which the company operates as a team, its environmental consideration and decision making process.

容量规划的定义-Definition on capacity planning

In operations management, capacity is referred as an amount of the input resources available to produce relative output over period of time.(citation)

Strategic capacity planning is important in an organisation mainly because its facilitate the organisation to meet its future requirements. Planning guarantee that operation cost are kept at a minimum level without affecting the quality, it also guarantee that organisation remain viable to attain its long-term plan for expansion

容量规划和时机策略-Capacity planning and timing strategy

Long range capacity planning and control primarily depends on a range of factors and some of the factors Georgia-Pacific used base on the on changes in capacity are

Market conditions: The timing of the market and making a decision base on the market gives the organisation a competitive edge as well as an increase in market share. Georgia-Pacific have used these strategy to increased its production capacity base on the changes in the market, as the market grew production was increased so as to meet the demand.

Technology: The change in the technology means organisation, required fewer resource to operate its production and therefore this means that with the advance technology Georgia-Pacific can increase its production ability with only slight equipment changes.

Equipment: So to achieve a large increases in production capacity, Georgia-Pacific use improving the already existing equipment, or set up new equipment,

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