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Management essay:韩国电子产业 [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2016-07-18编辑:cinq点击率:11293

论文字数:4000论文编号:org201607181614483250语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文


摘要:本文是留学生Management essay范文,主要内容是以韩国电子产业作为研究对象,研究整个韩国电子产业的发展状况,总结出相应的国际商务管理经验。

t was KRW 717.1 billion. About 35% of the company's home appliance revenue comes from the North American market.

Air Conditioning & Energy Solutions 空调与能源解决方案
The Air Conditioning & Energy Solutions division makes air conditioners and LED lighting.

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd is a South Korean  multinational electronics  company headquartered in Suwon, South Korea. It is the flagship subsidiary of the Samsung Group and has been the world's-largest IT Company by revenues since 2009. Samsung Electronics has assembly plants and sales networks in 61 countries and employs around 221,000 people.

Samsung Electronics is the world's largest mobile phone maker and world's second-largest semiconductor chip maker (after Intel Corporation). It has been the world's largest television manufacturer since 2006 and the world's largest maker of LCD panels for eight consecutive years.It has the largest market share worldwide in memory chips. With the introduction of the Samsung Galaxy Smobile phone, the company's Smartphone line-up was first place in terms of global sales figures for 2011.Samsung has also established a prominent position in the tablet computer market, with the release of the Android-powered Samsung Galaxy Tab to compete with the iPad from Apple.

Products 产品
LCD and LED panels
By 2004 Samsung was the world's-largest manufacturer of OLEDs, with a 40 percent market share worldwide, and as of 2010 has a 98% share of the global AMOLED  market. The company is leading the world OLED industry, generating $100.2 million out of the total $475 million revenues in the global OLED market in 2006. As of 2006, it held more than 600 American patents and more than 2,800 international patents, making it the largest owner of AMOLED technology patents.

Mobile phones 移动电话
Samsung's flagship mobile handset line is the Samsung Galaxy S, which many consider a direct competitor of the Apple iPhone. It was initially launched in Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea in June 2010, followed by the United States in July. It sold more than one million units within the first 45 days on sale in the United States.

Semiconductors 半导体
Samsung Electronics has been the world's-largest memory chip maker since 1993. In 2009 it started mass-producing 30 nm-class NAND flash memories. It succeeded in 2010 in mass-producing 30 nm-class DRAMs and 20 nm-class NAND flashes, both of which were the first time in the world.

Televisions 电视
In 2009, Samsung sold around 31 million flat-panel televisions, enabling to it to maintain the world's largest market share for a fourth consecutive year.

Samsung launched its first full HD 3D LED television March 2010. Samsung had showcased the product at the 2010 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2010) held in Las Vegas.

Other 其他
Samsung produces a wide range of printers for both consumers and business use, including mono-laser printers, color laser printers, multifunction printers, and enterprise-use high-speed digital multifunction printer models.

In 2010, the company introduced a number of energy efficient products, including the premium laptop R580, notebook N210, the world's-smallest论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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