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如何让企业家站在世界舞台上How to make entrepreneurs stand on the world stage [10]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2017-08-18编辑:anne点击率:43081

论文字数:15462论文编号:org201708181131512239语种:英语 English地区:英格兰价格:免费论文

关键词:Chinese entrepreneurshipreform中国企业家精神改革


ome sociology, psychology, law and ethics knowledge that can manage effectively.
4. Experience quality
The so-called entrepreneurial experience quality is the accumulated entrepreneurial experience in management practice activities. The reason why experience is so important to entrepreneurs is that experience is the medium to form management ability, is the catalyst for knowledge transferring into abilities. A well-educated people in management can form management ability only combine with practice, trying to learn from their management experience as widely as possible is one of the conditions in entrepreneurial success.
5. Capability quality
   Entrepreneurs’ capability quality is the core quality in the overall entrepreneurial qualities system. From a practical point of view, it demonstrated by combining their knowledge and experience and applying into management processes. Entrepreneurship capabilities include the following ten items:
   (1) Decision-making capacity. Entrepreneurs are business decision makers; their decision-making capability constitutes the core competence of enterprises.
(2) Organizational capacity. It refers to entrepreneurs’ capability of designing organizational structures, allocating human, financial, material and other resources and the ability to determine organizational norms.
(3) Coordination capability. It refers to the entrepreneurs’ capability of handling with internal and external relationships correctly in enterprises, as well as the capability of resolving problems.
(4) Innovation capability. This is determined by competitiveness in business management activities, the key point to improve the competitiveness of enterprises is the cultivation of entrepreneurs’ innovation capabilities.
   (5) Motivation capability.  It can be understood as the ability to mobilize enthusiasm of subordinates, influence them to do their work actively and initiatively.
 (6) Recruitment capacity. It is essentially demonstrated whether entrepreneurs are well employed, whether they are utilized, and can make the best use, as well as take fully advantaged from them.
(7) Planning capacity. It refers to the capability for entrepreneurs to put forward with objectives of enterprises, and to develop specific implementation steps.
 (8) Judgment capability. It is not only showed in decision-making, but especially in critical moment when response to mutations in market, and also showed in evaluation to lower working levels personnel assessment, etc.
(9) Adaptability. It refers to the capability of continually adjusting the set objectives, principles, policies and management ways so that they can adapt to changed circumstances.
(10) Social skills. Business management is also a social activity. Therefore, entrepreneurs who are engaged in business management activities should also be social activists.

Chapter three¬( findings): Current structures of Entrepreneurs with Chinese characteristics目前中国特色企业家结构

Entrepreneurs with Chinese characteristics can be divided into two categories: one is private entrepreneurs; the other is entrepreneurs from state-owned, collective and township enterprises during the transition from planned economy to market economy. Their common feature is to maximize asset value and human capital. Their characteristics are: risky enco论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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