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爱尔兰留学生作业代写-会计管理课程作业 accounting management assignment

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2012-01-27编辑:kalila点击率:4708

论文字数:6654论文编号:org201201271312249706语种:英语 English地区:爱尔兰价格:免费论文

关键词:爱尔兰作业代写会计管理作业Ireland accounting assignment

摘要:爱尔兰留学生作业代写-会计管理课程作业 accounting management assignment

爱尔兰留学生作业代写-会计管理课程作业 accounting management assignment-

The first chapter general financial management
A single, multiple choice questions
1. () is the premise of enterprise capital movement, also is the starting point of the enterprise capital movement.
A. recovery funds
B. fund issuance and use
C. to raise money
D. Allocate funds
2. The following belongs to foreign investment enterprise is ().
A. current assets investment
B. intangible assets investment
C. fixed assets investment
D. and other enterprise associated
3. () is the financial decision-making basis is to prepare financial budget premise, is organization daily accounting the necessary condition.
A. the financial budget
B. financial projections
C. financial control
D. financial analysis
4. As enterprise financial management goal, the maximization of enterprise value financial goals without consideration of factors is ().
A. no account of the time value of money
B. no account of the investment risk
C. It is difficult to determine the enterprise value
D. no account of the input and output relationship
5. According to () classification, can be divided into financial market capital market and capital market.
A., delivery time
B. trading deadline
C. The nature of the transactions
D. trading direct object
6. () is to connect who is raising and investors of the link.
A. the main body of the financial markets
B. The object of financial markets
C. market participants
D. interest rates
7. No risk and inflation rates are under ().
A. term risk compensation rate
B. pure interest rates
C. liquidity risk compensation rate
D. market interest rates
8. A enterprise wants to get in the end of five money 15000 yuan of money and the interest rate 10%, according to ChanLi calculation, it now needs the money in the bank for the amount of (the) yuan.
A. 8000
B. 9000
C. 10000
D. 7000
9. () no final value.
A. general annuity
B. prepaid annuity
C. sustainable pension
D. pass a gold
10. Plans to build a permanent scholarship, plans to distribute each year a prize of 50000 yuan, if the bank current deposit interest rate is 5%, ask now need to deposit ten thousand yuan ().
A. 100
B. 110
C. 120
D. 90
11. The following the correct statement is ().
A. the greater the standard deviation, the greater the risk
B. from the standard rate differential, the greater the risk
C. The size of the standard deviation and risk no relationship
D. from the size of the standard rate differential and risk no relationship
12. It happened after several issues of the receipt or payment of each issue is not the annuity called ().
A. general annuity
B. pay pension
C. pass a gold
D. sustainable pension
13. Have a pension, before 3 years no into early, after five years at the beginning of every year into 5 million yuan, assuming that the interest rate was 10%, the present value () for ten thousand yuan.
A. 1995
B. 1566
C. 18136
D. 1423
14. Some stock expected return of 10%, the standard deviation is 0.04, the risk/reward coefficient was 30%, the rate of return for the risk of stock ().
A. 40%
B. 12%
C. 6%
D. 3%
Second, multiple choice questions
1. The enterprise circulation of money can be divided into ().
A. the funds raised
B. fund issuance and use
C. Capital of the recovery
D. the allocation of cap论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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