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弗格森爵士领导的原则管理 [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-03-17编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:12624

论文字数:2772论文编号:org201603142041406022语种:英语 English地区:爱尔兰价格:免费论文

关键词:原则管理曼联Sir Alex Ferguson


erguson style because he has an autocratic leadership style; he is the one who decide the goals for the team, hence he does not care for the goals of other players and staff.

Discarding the theories cited above we are left only with two theories that match completely or partially Alex Ferguson leadership style. These theories are Behavioral and Trait.

The Traits theory partial fits Alex Ferguson leadership style, even though it relies on the Great Man theory because of three reasons. First, Alex Ferguson is self-confident, he always believed in his leadership style, by applying it in every team he managed. Also he asked the payers to believe in him even though they were not doing well at the beginning. The best example for that is his wining of the league cup after a disastrous previous season while Manchester United was risking a fall to the second division. Second, he has an achievement drive trait, Alex Ferguson invest a lot of energy in everything he does, by attending every training session and getting involved in anything that might be in the interest of the team. He is always first in the practice session, the last one that leaves and he wants to convey this behavior to all the players. One example is Ryan Giggs a Manchester United player since 1993.

'We might have got home from a European away game at four in the morning, yet you can pretty much guarantee he'll be first in at Carrington at 8am the next day - and will be last to leave. You'll then stick the TV on later that night and see him at a function in London. It's unbelievable.' (Giggs)

Third, Alex Ferguson has also the 'Honesty and integrity' trait, he has always being frank with his player and staff, he applied the rules he wants his players to observe on himself. He also got the FIFA Presidential Award in 2011, for his exemplary attitude.

The Behavioral was kept due to Alex Ferguson autocratic leadership. He has an autocratic leadership first because he needs to control everything inside the club. He controls the transfers, the practice session, the hiring of staff. The second reason is because he is a disciplinarian and a feared coach. One example of his disciplinarian aspect is his finning of Beckham and suspending him for an important game, because he was taking care of his son while his wife was in a fashion week. This disciplinarian attitude with all players includes the highly paid players was most of the time attribute to his success. Another aspect of his autocratic style is mixing players around to have a better mechanics inside the team, without anyone complaining about it. The final aspect of the autocratic style is his mind game with other managers; he tries to intimidate them by making deprecating comments.

4 促进领导的方式——4-Way of Improving the Leadership Style:

Now that Ferguson's leadership style is encapsulated by two theories, it is safer to look for ways that can improve Ferguson's leadership style. It is very difficult to do so, because trying to find flaws in a method that has being working for 38 years is hard. However, during the analysis it was noticed that some of the players lacked motivation or it faded with time. That's why using the democratic style from the behavioral theory would keep the players motivated and the manager will get some feedback on what he is doing and can resolve 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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