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leadership study essay [7]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2015-07-19编辑:wangjinjin点击率:21250

论文字数:5938论文编号:org201507190948471758语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文



However, effective leadership does not only depend on a combination of personality traits. Situational factors also play a crucial role since they always decide whether a character was associated with effective leadership or not. Thus it can be assumed that effective leadership depends on the leader's characteristics, situational factors which the leader may or may not have control over, and the task that he/she has to handle.

When we talk about the quality of leadership, we evaluate the outcome of leadership as good or bad depending on how it affects the overall outcome of the situation. This type of evaluation is highly subjective and is based on individual perception. Apparently, leadership decisions which do not yield positive outcomes are considered to be bad leadership. But leadership decisions which produce favourable outcomes may not necessarily be good leadership if the impact of the decision may be good for the organisation but do not yield any satisfaction to its followers.

Generally, effective leadership is a more preferred. Effective leaders are able to influence followers to do what they want, and when achieved, the followers will of course be happy with the outcome.

Key Competencies for Exceptional Leaders

According to Madeleine Allen [5] , the following seven key competencies that can set exceptional leaders apart are:

1 - Courage

A true leader possesses a 'go for it' attitude. He/She is prepared to confidently take calculated risks and expects to get results at all cost. He/she is able to motivate his/her followers to follow suit in such situations.

2 - Vision

A great leader has a vision and can clearly communicate the vision to followers. Followers are easily influenced, given the clarity of what to achieve and the direction they are heading towards.

3 - Inspiring Followership

Effective leaders are able recognise the reasons which motivate their followers and capitalise on them. Such leaders are capable of adjusting their behaviour and communication style in order to enhance their followers' willingness to be led.

4 - Serving

Leaders exist to serve two purposes - the organisation or corporations, and also the people, their followers. By serving these two groups well, they earn respect and trust from motivated and inspired followers.

5 - Advocacy.

Great leaders are able to argue their cause, idea or vision and they actively show support for the issue. They can speak passionately and inspirationally about their vision.

6 - Decision-Making

Leaders are not afraid to make decisions. They make decisions with conviction and confidence, and take ownership and implement them.

7 - Entrepreneurship

Leaders who possess entrepreneurship skills show agility, speed and independence dare to dream big and ma论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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