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Ledership Essay-优秀领导者的品质 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2015-10-06编辑:chenyuting点击率:9952

论文字数:1841论文编号:org201510051949074393语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文



ationship or business deal goes sour, they assume they can learn from it and they expect to do better next time. Successful people don't tolerate flaws and they fix themselves in a position. Besides that, they are self -reliant and take responsibility in their work. Successful person they don't worry about blame, and they don't waste time complaining. They make decisions and move on. Sometimes they are criticized for taking this to extremes. Extremely successful person take the initiative and accept the responsibilities of success. The next qualities of a successful person are they know how to separate what is important and what is not important. We have so many decisions to make every day. We sometimes lose our mind of what day it is because of the number of things that we think about every day. When we are able to separate what is important from what is not, we will find ourselves accomplishing the goals more fast and find ourselves doing more of what we want to do rather than things we have to do. On top of that, they also make decisions and take action. Either it is right or wrong action, they do accept it. Successful person are also an open minded and are willing to learn.

They take the time to study and learn what is necessary to improve their skills. They are open to thoughts, suggestions, solutions, new information and change rather than thinking they already know everything, that there is nothing much to learn. They are also a positive person.Successful people don't let negative events alter their ego. They see the glass half full and not half empty. They are known as the ones who raise the positiveness among others. Those around them want to stay with them because they make them feel better. Furthermore, they never criticize others and never complain about others. Successful people don't criticize others when they are not listening, because otherwise people among them will recognize them as persons who tend to talk behind others. Everyone is able to complain about things. Bad things happen and complaining about them it's not a good solution to stop them to happen. If they're wrong, they are admitting to be wrong as a sign of superiority, and that's what successful people do. Trustworthy are also plays important roles for a successful person. We have know that ourselves clearly and trust ourselves at all situation. And at the meanwhile, don't forget to improve ourselves from work, books and others. We also need to focus on what we want and focus on our goal and know what we want in detail. Successful person are also leaders and thinkers.

They don't follow the pack. They are innovative and quick to offer solutions when an issue arises. They are very fast-thinkers. Successful people read books a lot. Books that will help them get ahead, become motivated, and improve their lives. They know that college or university is not the end of their learning. It may just be the beginning. Besides, successful person also is a good thinker. They solve problems, they never lack ideas for building an organization, and they always have hope for a better future. Good thinkers rarely find themselves at the mercy of ruthless people who would take advantage of them or try to deceive them. They also rule themselves under an oppressive ruler or in other difficult circumstances.

Successful people are the best time managers. They carefully check out the time frame within which they have to achieve their objec论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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