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阿联酋的领导效能 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2015-12-09编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:10036

论文字数:2096论文编号:org201512031807195389语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:领导力变革型领导Corporate Leadership Council


s been come in front that the leaders of Emirates Group are generally lacking the qualities of transformational leader. The survey has been shown that the Employees of Emirates Group is unaware from the concept of a real transformational leadership. Especially, a lack of competence in many issues but the mainly focused area is the competence should be more around the individualised consideration dimension is strongly highlighted. This area was defined by Emirates Group leaders as very important. This has major gapes to fill up for the betterment of the Emirates group.

Competences in the idealised influence (charisma) were not on the standard level and the inspirational motivation aspect of transformational leadership was also reported to be low. The Emirates Group leadership competency endorses transformational leadership behaviour, but ratings reveal that this is among the lowest rated competencies, particularly at the grade 9 level, where it is also a relatively love priority. There is lacking of these capabilities in the leadership. Motivational factors are missing in the leadership of Emirates Group through the whole period of time which is been observed and measured for this survey.

Management of Emirates Group is better on the middle level but the top level managers are not that as they could be.

Further, in addition to strong emphasis that the Emirates Group leaders are currently not displaying transformational behaviour which is necessary part of any organisation, the extent to which they can be regarded as transitionally competent is unclear. Moreover, a lack of empathy factor is been missing from the leadership of Emirates Group, as we know that the empathy is becoming major and important factor of the leadership, specially for the facilitation of development of other and change in any organisation. These are the two lowest scale rated areas across the organisation.

However, there are some specific contextual factors that may limit the extent to which transformational model can be successfully applied on the Emirates Group. The organisational culture is also very important for any organisation to take it toward way of progress. These related primarily to the influence of organisational and national culture. The current organisational 'role' culture of Emirates Group has been described as limiting factor to the implementation of the transformational leadership model.

To bring the changing in the culture had opened the door for transformational leader development is contingent upon the national culture preferences of majority nationalities. There are two main stream considerations: the first consideration relates to the experience of a predominantly Indian subordinate workforce and the second consideration relates the increasing number of U.A.E nationals in the senior leadership positions. These both considerations seem looks better working according to the business requirement. It is clear from the analysis of both cultural groups that Anglos notions of individualised consideration which include developing performance goals, coaching, delegating, performance appraisal and development planning, do not fit easily within this cultural context. In cultural diverse environment you need to focus many things which you do not count in your daily life but they have their own importance within the organisation. Cultural differences bring many positive and negative changes w论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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