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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2016-02-05编辑:kittytwin点击率:13510

论文字数:3420论文编号:org201601270717576732语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文



sk compared to doing good. People are unaware of the harm they are causing to others. In an interview to a question based on the 9/11 US terrorist attacks, she responded that some leaders have now become followers, and that the government or the authority is trying to lead the leaders. A leader should respond to, the call, the need of that particular time. A leader should have 'faith in people' and that is a risk a leader can take. Moreover, a true servant leader should find the resources and direct the mass and should have extreme dependency on the people. Definitely, such a group can come out. A leader should be a host rather than a hero. He will be welcoming and cordial in his actions. According her, 'the servant leadership is just not an interesting idea, but something fundamental and vital for the world, and now this is the world that truly needs it.' It is one of the most reliable source in the study of servant leadership as it explores the views of the present day servant leader.

Jablonski, T. (2006). Who is a Servant Leader ?. Retrieved September 23, 2009, from Welcome to the Servant Leadership -Blog: 
This blog gives an overview on servant leaders. According to Jablonski, almost all servant leaders adopted the ways of Jesus; they believed in sacrificing their own lives for a great cause. He put forward Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Dalai Lama and Martin Luther King, Jr. as servant leaders. All these people were servant of all and thus they led them to a greater end. The servant leaders believed in denying himself willingly, to serve others. This blog is only for informative purpose.

教育中的服务型领导——Servant Leadership in Education

Crippen, C. ( 2005). The Democratic School: First to serve, then to lead. Retrieved on September 23, 2009.

This website shows the influence of servant leadership practices in educational organizations. As educational institutions are moving in favor of democratization, servant- leadership is the one that is to be adopted. In the words of Murphy and Seashore Louis with regard to the changes in educational institutions:

In these new post industrial educational organizations, there are important shifts in role, relationships and responsibilities; traditional patterns of relationship are altered, authority flows are less hierarchical, role definitions are both general and more flexible; leadership is connected to competence for needed task rather than to formal position; and independence and isolation are replaced by cooperative work. (n.p.)

The author also suggested that there should be an all-around improvement which should begin form the top. The strong educational system moulds the prosperous society and for that one needs a strong sense of moral. Education is pointed towards the individual growth and so the school administrator should encourage others to assume leadership positions. Educational institutions should discuss with the students the writings of Greenleaf. The school plans should be developed in the frame work of the ten characteristics of the servant leadership. Students should be trained to volunteer and they should be given the practice of serving the society or to 'give back' to the community. Those aspiring to become teacher should be given the awareness of servant - leadership philosophy in order to give them the idea that teaching is a noble profession done with service as 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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