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英国Supply Chain in B2B-B2B里供应链管理研究Essay [6]

论文作者:留学论文论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2014-03-19编辑:caribany点击率:16345

论文字数:3442论文编号:org201403171559333717语种:中文 Chinese地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Supply Chain in B2BB2B供应链produce value产生价值subject of logistics

摘要:本文是有关B2B供应链管理的英国Essay 格式:文章提到供应链管理是相互关联的,通过上游和下游之间的联系产生价值(产品和/或服务),以最终消费者的过程之间的组织/个人的联网管理。供应链管理的全过程,可以被看作是涉及组织/个人的所有活动,以最终客户的网络。在B2B战役,最终客户通常被认为是组织,机构,政府部门等。

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Besides, so-called “Platinum Councils” are another means of maintaining a close customer relationship. DELL organizes semi-annual meetings for their biggest customers inviting executives and technicians to discuss latest developments in technology and giving them the chance to exchange views and experiences.

Supplier Market: today, the rule at Dell is to have as few suppliers as possible (Magretta 1998, p.75). Dell is trying to establish a mutual benefit partnership with its suppliers.

Internal Market: At DELL, employee satisfaction is achieved by partnering with employees through shared objectives and a common strategy. For this, same goal between employer and employees is needed. In order to act in a same way, employees are treated like co-owners. (Dell 1999, p.109)

Recruitment Market: The way in which DELL conducts itself in the Recruitment Market is similar to the way it conducts itself in the Customer, Supplier and Internal Markets i.e. through the use if the use of the direct marketing activity.

Influence and Referral Market: DELL had built a good relationship with government. In computer industry, this company is always keeping ahead of the competitions. In terms of the referral market DELL exploits this market through supplying businesses and education centers, such as universities and schools, as well as charitable organizations.

To sum up, DELL’s ways of management its partners is various. This direct model makes it and its stakeholders much closer. It is easy to build relationship with customers under this direct model. The centre of DELL’s strategy is to satisfy and m aintain customer relationship (and also relationship wITh other stakeholders). DELL owns its own call center and website. It builds database by customer online register. It also can get responses directly and quickly by direct Marketing activity. The relationship between DELL and its stakeholders could be long term and very stable. All these above ensure that DELL’s supply chain management is good in B2B marketing. Its management by building relationship with its partners helps it to get advantages in B2B campaign.



As already discussed, supply chain management is the management of the interconnection of organizations/individuals that relate to each other through upstream and downstream linkages between the processes that produce value (products and/or services) to the ultimate consumer. The whole process of SCM could be seen as a network which involves all activities of organizations/individuals to final customers. In B2B campaign, the final customers are usually considered as organizations, institutions, governments, etc.. In this kind of business campaign, SCM play as a similar role as it did in other environments, excluding the last link of the supply chain. Currently, it is a trend to extend B2B markets through internet for many companies. E-commerce is tended to be more and more important in B2B marketing. Therefore, SCM in B2B is asked to fit this situation by using ICT and focusing on integrating information and connecting all activities through IT system. In B2B, SCM’s functions and activities include strategic planning, inventory control, warehouse management, sto论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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