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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2015-06-12编辑:g790726705点击率:5922

论文字数:1999论文编号:org201506091617234746语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文





My project over the course of the program abroad was a focus on the health care systems of the countries we visited. This project was chosen for personal reasons, as I aimed to analyze the feasibility of a universal health care system in America. In order to understand the practicality of such an issue, I had to first understand the encompassing components: economy and politics. 

The intrinsic nature of the program itself helped me to understand the politics and the history that set the precedent for contemporary issues, but exploring the economy took a bit more work. My main source of information came from the internet, especially from web sites for such organizations as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Health Organization (WHO), USAID, and various other economic forums. I learned a lot from these web sites, but the main thing I learned is that when it comes to an issue that is as expensive, convoluted and touchy as health care, nothing is cut-and-dry. When it comes to the quality and sustainability of people's lives, as the issue of health care does, people and programs abound to address the problems at hand. But the colossal scope of the issue that 'universal health care' implies is daunting, not only in the richest country in the world (America), and especially in poorer countries (Turkey, Morocco, Egypt). 

I learned that health care is an issue that many governments cannot afford to touch. This is why organizations like the World Bank and WHO focus huge amounts of cash and manpower to addressing the issues of people that do not have a voice, like the rural poor in Morocco. If the World Bank did not report on the conditions of such people, how would the world ever know that '84% of the world's poor shoulder 93% of the global burden of disease while only 11% of the $2.8 trillion spent on health care reaches low and middle income countries (Preker & Carrin).'? How would we know that the underlying reasons of the poverty-stricken health care deficit is the result of such simple matters as lack of government accountability for the health care system, and the haphazard and intermittent redistribution of funds set aside strictly for health concerns? 

This issue of money spent on health care is not only one for the poor countries. Since my original focus was to find out why America cannot or will not support a universal health policy, I decided to concentrate on how poorer countries can. The best example is Egypt, which provides at least a modicum of health care to 100% of its rural and urban citizens, despite the fact that it spends only 3.8% of it's GDP on health care (well below the MENA average)(www.who.int/en). Egypt cannot afford to give specialist health care and medicines to all of its citizens. Worldwide, 'As much as 80% of total health care expenditure in low-income countries comes from direct out-of-pocket payment by patients. Studies in several countries found th论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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