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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-30编辑:yangcheng点击率:4288

论文字数:897论文编号:org201308300747036344语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



 “公共关系”一词源自英文“Public Relations”翻译而来。“Public”作为形容词时译作“公共的”、“公开的”,即属于社会的、集体的,不是属于个人的;作为名词可译作“公众”,即社会群体。“Relations”则可译作“关系”、“联络”,即多人的“群体”之间的某种联系。作为一个词组,“public relations”可译作“公共关系”,也可译作“公众关系”。在中国通常称作“公共关系”,简称“公关”或“PR”。

" Public relations " comes from the English "Public Relations" translated from . "Public" as an adjective is translated as " public" , "open ", that is social, collective, does not belong to the individual ; as a noun can be translated as " public ", ie social groups . "Relations" can be translated as "relationship" , " contact ", ie people of the " group" is a link between . As a phrase , "Public Relations" can be translated as " public relations " can also be translated as " public relations ." In China often called " public relations ", referred to "public relations" or "PR".



Public relations is actually a new thing , from its history , Americans Ivy Lee in 1902 first proposed the concept of public relations , to the 1920s , public relations firms in the United States began to appear only in the China's reform and opening up, public relations really into our daily life and work .

The definition of public relations , public relations major reveal the fundamental nature of this activity , a clear scope of application of public relations , norms of public relations disciplines , elaborate public relations techniques . Because public relations is an emerging application disciplines, but also because of its comprehensiveness, applicability and rich content , making numerous domestic and foreign experts and public relations organizations discussed their divergent definitions .

We think: Public relations in modern life , especially in modern economic life , a social organization through the use of media , and the public use of means of communication between the exchanges, the two sides reached mutual understanding , mutual accommodation and mutual development management activities.

Understand the meaning of master four main points:

First, organization and public relations is a two-way relationship between the public ( subject and object ) ;

Second, public relations and communication primarily through means of communication and other means of implementation ( means ) ;

Third , public relations is a management activities ( functions ) ;

Fourth, the purpose of public relations with the public in order to achieve common development organization ( purpose ) .

This is defined as the scientific, rigorous articulate the basic elements of public relations and its essential properties.

( 1 ) the reputation as the goal to

The ultimate goal of public relations is to establish a good image of the organization , it is the pursuit of a good social environment , harmonious interpersonal relationships , the best social media to win the public's understanding, trust , support and cooperation. Thus, such a reputation as a goal to organize dissemination activities with the general marketing activities and campaigns are essentially di论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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