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Essay Writing:Assessed essays are part of the examination for the degree as well as an integral part of the learning process [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:建议书 proposal登出时间:2011-01-28编辑:anterran点击率:14213

论文字数:3825论文编号:org201101280929249202语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Essay WritingAssessed Essays

ce is very important.  Word limits for essays are insufficient for many details.  Essays should not simply contain a summary of the notes you have taken.
 Make sure that you plan each essay before you begin to write.  Put all your notes on one side and then sketch an argument in rough.  That discipline will enable you to decide what really matters, to prioritise various arguments, and to choose the best illustrations.
 Think out a good opening sentence that will indicate the line of argument you are taking.  The first paragraph is very important and should let the reader know how you intend to proceed without necessarily revealing your conclusions.  A good first paragraph ought to define the problem you are tackling and ought to avoid simple statements such as 'The issue is a complicated one'.
 Students sometimes believe - falsely - that uncritical summary is less risky than a more critical approach; that they cannot distinguish between good and bad or biased and unbiased books; that they ought not to disagree with the writings of their tutors; and that there are objective right answers.  Although tutors have views, marks are awarded not according to whether or not you agree with the tutor, but according to how well you argue your position.  Different tutors do have different agendas that they want you to address: this is not the same thing as having views they want to inculcate.  Sitting on the fence and using words like 'perhaps' is no substitute for reasoned synthesis or choice.
 An argument requires a proposition, a counter-proposition, evidence for both, and a reasoned synthesis or choice.  Theory and evidence need to be fleshed out: simply writing 'Arms races cause wars - as was shown by World War One' is not enough.  When you are discussing a point in an essay, go through the following five steps (which are laid out only briefly rather than to the extent which would be expected in an essay):

1. Offer a proposition, eg, 'The power of the United States is in decline'.
2. Provide supporting evidence, eg, 'It has lost ground in the international economic system, as shown by its recently-acquired trade and budget deficits'.
3. Consider the opposing argument, eg, 'The power of the United States is increasing'.
4. Provide supporting evidence, eg, 'The collapse of the Soviet Union and the success of the war against Iraq show that the United States is the only superpower'.
5. Provide a reasoned choice or synthesis, eg, 'On balance the United States is in decline because military power is less important now than economic power'.  This then leads on logically to arguments about the relative utility of, and relationship between, economic and military power.

In this way arguments and essays progress with a sense of flow and direction.  This approach is not the only one that is possible or acceptable and it is not necessarily the best.  However, it is one that will stand you in good stead.
 Once you have written the essay according to your plan, you should always read it through.  There will always be many improvements which you can make at this final stage.  Check the spelling, punctuation, grammar, logic and consistency of argument.  The Department has a Study Skills Adviser available for one timetabled hour (advertised on all noticeboards) during weeks 1-24 of the t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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