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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2012-03-02编辑:lena ding点击率:5071

论文字数:1033论文编号:org201203021027511625语种:英语 English地区:新加坡价格:免费论文

关键词:Singaporeconstruction marketprospect


Singapore construction market review and prospect


According to preliminary statistics of trade and Singapore in 2005, GDP grew by 5.7% in real terms is expected to Singapore. And the manufacturing and services sectors respectively 8.6% and 5.4% compared with strong growth, construction obviously shows the lag. In 2005, Singapore construction in 2004 6.5% GDP atrophy, on the basis of 1.5% of the decline appear again. But compared with two years ago, has been slow slip velocity. Industry insiders thinks generally, Singapore construction in 2006 can realize positive growth, I in new building enterprise management environment will be improved obviously. 2005 Singapore construction market review in 2005, Singapore construction appear a touch on the rebound signs, construction market three indicators, engineering contract awarding the forehead (Contracts Awarded, the construction market demand Index), approve engineering payments (Certified Payment, construction production value Index), the bid Price Index (Tender Price Index, the construction cost Index) all appear certain scope growth. Among them, the engineering contract awarding the forehead to of s $11.3 billion ($6.8 billion), more than 2004 years (s $10 billion) increased 13%; Approval engineering payments rose to a s $11.7 billion, up 1.7%, turn the five consecutive years of decline; The bidding price index edged 1.4%, mainly due to construction raw material costs, such as concrete, cement, ceramic tile and granite, which rose 11% ~ 30%. But another important building materials, the glut of steel prices dropped 14%. In 2005, Singapore construction market main show the following features: a, building mainly by private enterprise investment demand engineering pulling. In 2005, Singapore construction market of from the private enterprise construction contract reach of s $7.2 billion, more than 2004 years (s $5.5 billion) rose 31%, is the highest level in the past five years. And the government department of public works contracts are issued from 2004 in of s $4.6 billion down to a s $4.1 billion, down 10.9%. Private development business investment is the focus of the industry and the community areas. The main project including keppel power plants, sumitomo chemical production base and art college school la salle-sia. But in traditional fields, such as farmers, shopping center apartments and offices, and private investment is declined. Second, construction of Singapore the proportion of total economy continue to slide. In 2005, the GDP of about Singapore construction of s $8 billion, occupy Singapore GDP (s $190 billion), 4.2% of the more than 2004 continue to decline 0.2%. Singapore construction in 1998 for GDP of s $11 billion, accounting for about 9.1% of the total economy, after all the way down. As Singapore industrial and civil infrastructure improvement, the construction market demand in the short term is difficult to increased greatly. The construction industry in the national economy has become more and more, the importance of the marginalized, also is no longer Singapore in attracting foreign investment key industry. Three, Singapore construction enterprise explore international market works well. In 2005, construction enterprise in Singapore obtained overseas construction contract worth about for a s $2.5 billion, more than 2004 years of s $1.2 billion grew by 108%, is the highest level in 10 years history. The main market for India, China, Middle East and southeast Asia. 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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