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新加坡论文:对物质文化作用的研究 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2015-11-12编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:15857

论文字数:3888论文编号:org201511091035075739语种:英语 English地区:新加坡价格:免费论文

关键词:material culture艺术设计物质文化


ators. Basically, the results of the study will lead the researcher to the development and devise an effective curriculum in arts and design with respect to material culture in graphic design.

问题说明——Problem Statement

This researcher finds the necessity for a study that specifically tackles the effects of material culture in contemporary graphic design at Colleges in Singapore. Specifically, this study intends to explore the significant impact of this material to the Colleges in Singapore that are related in contemporary graphic design. It will present the performance of the students by identifying weaknesses and inefficiencies and recommending solutions.

Basically, the problem of this study is about conventional methodology in teaching which used a dry lecturer is really dull and takes a lot of time to finish a modular or syllabus of each topic depending on lecturer capabilities, skills, availability, mood and student indulgent of what their thought. That is not effective for students to get an effective way to learn, there is a need to get a new and effective approach since material culture may now touch the cultural and historical value of a certain art or design. The purpose of using material culture in a contemporary graphic design class is to develop a better learning than conventional method in colleges but through the early resistance, it emphasized their ability to appreciate art and learn it cultural and historical value perform the complex tasks needed in contemporary graphic design. Through material culture student can develop a bond and understanding of one's traditional cultures that motivate visual communication students to create strong cultural identity graphic design. Moreover, this study will try to answer the following queries:
1. Can understanding of one's traditional cultures motivate visual communication students to create strong cultural identity graphic design?
2. Can material culture add validity and substance to graphic design study?


This study seeks to understand fully how students' awareness of their traditional cultures might be the factor that motivate them to research and explore their cultures as a graphic design topic.


This paper will work on the following hypothesis:
? Material culture in graphic design class in colleges plays significant effect to the students' awareness of their traditional cultures.
? Material culture in graphic design class in colleges has significant effect to the memory retention of the students when it comes in studying traditional culture. Since it is exciting, challenging and fun to use, then it encourages students to study the material culture again and again.
? Material culture has significant effect to the learning improvement of the students since it attaches to one's traditional culture.

关键术语的定义——Definition of Key Terms

Graphic Design- Graphic Design is the process and art of combining text and graphics and communicating an effective message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, and any other type of visual communication


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