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人力资源对员工的承诺 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-02-15编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:10667

论文字数:2124论文编号:org201602121348475436语种:英语 English地区:南非价格:免费论文



ion of their counterparts in bargain process at some point in time. As Blau noted, 'the basic and most crucial distinction is that social exchange entails unspecified obligations' . Reciprocation as defined by social exchange can take many forms, or social exchange relationships, in organizational settings including perceived organizational support (POS), leader-member exchange (LMX), psychological contract, and organizational citizenship behavior. In a nutshell 'social exchange relationships evolve when employers 'take care of employees', which thereby engenders beneficial consequences' . Similarly 'norm of reciprocity' also implies that if organizations treat their employees well, they will reciprocate by reacting in a manner favorable to their organizations.

研究的目的:——Purpose of the Study:

论文例子——Example Essays 
Rooted in 'behavioral perspective' of strategic human resource management and utilizing the theoretical foundations provided by 'social exchange theory' and 'norm of reciprocity', this study investigates the role of employee attitudes and behavior on the HRM practices and organizational performance relationship.

In particular this research is aimed at providing answer to the following questions:

How do the organizational HR practices influence employees' work-related behavior?

What is the role of employee attitudes and behavior in the relationship between human resource practices and performance of an organization?

What is the mediating mechanism/process through which human resource practices influence organizational performance?

Thus the major aim of the study is to investigate that what and how a firm's human resource practices influence its organizational performance. As a corollary to the aim of investigating HR practices-performance linkage, following purposes are identified for this research.

First, to propose and test a model explaining the role of mediating variables and intermediary process through which firm's human resource practices influence its performance.

Second purpose of this research is to identify the HR practices which are contextually more important in eliciting positive work attitudes and behavior in our social, cultural, and economic environment.

研究的意义:——Significance of the Study:

The study has the potential to contribute to the existing body of literature on human resource management - firm performance relationship in the following ways. First, by proposing a model that explain the intermediate linkages through which human resource practices exert their influence on firm performance, this dissertation will address an HRM research area which has been termed high priority by the scholars. Although researchers now almost agree that firm's HR practices are related to its performance, the theoretical underpinnings of such relationship is still far from clear . Need for further research to explore the mediating variables is stressed by many . In fact Ferris, Hochwarter, Buckley, Harrel-Cook, & Frink consider this to be a high priority area for HRM researchers. Emphasizing the need for research focused on explaining HR-performance relationship they noted that:

'. . ., if there is indeed an impact of HRM systems on firm performance, how do these effects oc论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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