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澳大利亚supply chain management dissertation [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2015-04-17编辑:felicia点击率:42622

论文字数:论文编号:org201504132303048631语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文


摘要:本文是一篇澳大利亚供应链管理dissertation,对此专业supply chain专业内容写作有很大帮助!

rganisations (huge names such as Toyota, Nissan and Mitsubishi), adhering to the principle of supporting supplier to ameliorate the quality by assessing and later reforming their quality output against their own standards, as a result they managed to create optimum quality levels with regard to their products and succeeded in attaining the advantage in terms of taking control of the business and markets (Bailey et al, 2005, 23-35).

However, Supplier Evaluation concerning supplier range and post-selection audits, is an intricate process related to the evaluation of supplier's production capacity, quality control operation, process capabilities, reliability in supplies, cost related to product and their co-ordination with the purchasers.

Amid these important issues, Product Conformance (with the conditions, requirements or standards) is of great significance as it is directly related to Quality and in some cases related to safety and effectiveness. As different products have differing standards of quality, it is quite tedious to set a single criterion to gauge their quality and as a result, to establish a single model or singular standard to evaluate the supplier's operation and capability in this regard. Any Product Confirmation framework or standard should include all the relevant matters like matching the product with the drawing, its fabric qualities, operational standards, functionality criteria and, to some extent, customer's overall fulfilment level regarding the performance of product in any regard. However, “joint agreement on product substantiation methods and provisions for settlement of quality disputes are essential regarding supplier's quality evaluation programme (Bailey et al, 2005, 23-35).

In this research, Supplier Quality Assurance Evaluation (SQAE) with regard to Product Conformation will be deliberated over. Step by step methodology of Supplier Evaluation is imperative to set up and taken into inspection. There are different working processes in this view, applied in different industries, so it's really vital to put the supplier assessment theories and principles under inspection (Juran and Frank, 1993, 45-64).

1.1 Aims and Objectives of the Project:

The aim of this dissertation is to examine these complex issues by analysing the present practices and models and their outputs and to evaluate the most suitable model, founded on the analysis and securitisation in different industries. A step-by-step working process for the assessment should also be evaluated and it should include all the procedural and managerial features of the supplier quality assurance evaluation procedure (regarding Product Conformance) related to description of specifications, standards, requirements and examination and testing methods (Juran and Frank, 1993, 45-64).

The objectives are to,

- Identify various features of supplier quality assurance assessment regarding product conformity and study their significance and effect on Supply Chain Management.

- Assessment of needs for specifications and standards.

- Importance of Product Quality in Supplier Assessment, choice process and assessment of selection criteria.

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