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美国戴尔公司供应链管理分析(Dell Supply Chain Management analysis) [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:案例分析 Case Study登出时间:2015-07-24编辑:huiyin点击率:8987

论文字数:1669论文编号:org201507241458129451语种:中文 Chinese地区:美国价格:免费论文



the past Dell worked with over 1000 suppliers but today it only works with approximately 100. Dell also uses supply chain management software to improve material management, relationship with suppliers and to reduce inventories. This helps Dell and its suppliers to share information about inventory and improve efficiency.

Dell's primary resources include the most up-to-date technology and IT tools that allow the company to successfully move forward. They allow the company to exchange information and interact with suppliers and customers, which results in providing customers with exactly what they request without needlessly wasting resources in production. It also gives the company a competitive advantage.

Over the years, Dell tried to maintain its employee productivity. A concern for any company that relies on a productive workforce that makes extensive use of digital data is the threat of a system failure. Since Dell is a computer-based company, it relies on computers to do both its internal and external business. A system failure, even for a short period of time, would result in a loss of valuable human resources, a decrease in employee productivity and increase cost. Hence Dell protected itself and its employees from such a problem by installing a back-up/recovery system. Furthermore, Dell protected itself from such a crash through the use of the internet. Since it does the majority of its work through the internet it became recognised all over the world which gave it a further competitive advantage. Another way in which Dell manages to maintain consistently high employee productivity is by providing near unlimited availability to their IT structure. Dell keeps customer service lines open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It also has an easily accessible on-line help service.

Dell's reliance on doing business on the internet allows it to re-define and change its image with great ease. This saves the company a lot of money because it is flexible and can easily adapt to change for almost any market and economic change.

Dell has also enhanced it's decision making process by innovation through customer feedback, which is a critical factor for success in a computer based company. It also made the company more distinctive than its competitors.

In addition to all of the above, Dell achieved a competitive advantage in the computer industry because of their knowledge about communication, use of information, e-commerce, design and web technology.

挑战与建议 Challenges and recommendations:

Although Dell is an extremely successful business company that has been able to adapt and change to the ever-changing technology environment. We believe that could benefit from the following steps to increase their profitability and competitiveness:

Reduce errors in Dell's direct internet ordering system. Since all purchases are made on-line there is a possibility that the consumer will click the wrong button while customising their computer. It will be very helpful if Dell could send a confirmation to its customers before manufacturing starts. Dell can also start a clearance area on it's web-site for consumers who are looking for cheaper products and don't specific preferences.


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