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改革与完善中国现行资源税体系:Reform and improvement of China's current resource tax system

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-27编辑:yangcheng点击率:3194

论文字数:758论文编号:org201308270951444381语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文




This resource tax reform and improvement is significant. Resource tax reform and improvement can be from the following aspects:


① expand resource tax levy ranges. Water and other natural resources, forest pasture into the tax, resource tax truly reflects the effectiveness of the protection of resources.


② take the rate on the collection methods, the resource tax and enterprise differential income linked up in prices, resource extraction enterprises to obtain the differential income increases, enterprises should pay resource tax is also a corresponding increase in prices, poor corporate income obtained is reduced, enterprises should pay resource tax is also reduced.


③ resources to develop a reasonable tax rate. Resource tax rate should be formulated based on the exploitation of resources invested to determine the marginal resource cost price, but also be able to adjust the differential income, the same level of resources in the market price is the same, but due to resource natural conditions inconsistent, the same The profits of mining companies will be different levels should be part of the differential income reverted to the government, in order to avoid the emergence of excess profits to get rich mining the phenomenon of abandoning the poor. While also taking into account resource exploitation costs of damage to the environment, namely local government resources should be based on environmental characteristics of the region choose the appropriate methods to assess due to resource exploitation brought about external costs. In addition, the rate for non-renewable resources need to consider the design of resource recovery rate, the tax rate and resource recovery rate linked, so that enterprises in the pursuit of economic interests, taking into account the effective use of resources and environmental protection.
④ appropriately combined resource tax. By appropriately combined resources tax, can be considered among the charging into environmental taxes, tax levy pollution, air pollution tax, garbage tax, fuel tax, etc., so that they together with China's resource tax build China's resources and environment tax system.

Tax incentives to adjust the scope and intensity. On the one hand, to expand resources and environment protection products and technologies range of tax incentives for energy conservation and pollution reduction products, equipment, technology, research and development activities to give tax support, encourage green production and green consumption. On the other hand, is not conducive as possible to cancel or adjust resource conservation policies. Such as the removal of energy subsidies unreasonable.

In the process of designing tax incentives, attention should use tax credits, accelerated depreciation and other indirect concessions. For example, in the new corporate income tax, increasing pollution enterprises to adjust product structure, the reform process, improving production equipment investment have occurred, given the provisions of the tax credit.

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