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多伦多论文-试述西北沿岸印第安人图腾柱文化象征意义 [2]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2012-02-17编辑:kalila点击率:6788

论文字数:4558论文编号:org201202171004516734语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文

关键词:加拿大西北沿岸印第安人图腾柱文化象征意义Canada Northwest Coast Indianstotem pole culturesymbolmeaning


eyed by those signifiers. The culture rule is the core of the totem poles culture. After European whites arrived at the Northwest Coast areas in the seventies of the eighteenth century, the rule of the totem poles culture had been changed dramatically. More and more competitive subjectivities had been involved in the deconstruction and reconstruction of the meanings of totem poles culture. To sum up, totem poles culture of Northwest Coast Indians has developed a unique, fluid, abundant and of great diversity characters. This dissertation is one kind of understanding and interpretation of totem poles culture.This thesis is made up of introduction, text and conclusion. Introduction includes study background and current significance, correlated studies and works and methods of collecting data. The text consists of five chapters. Chapter One makes a brief introduction to totem poles culture of Northwest Coast Indians. Chapter Two is titled lost symbol that consists of symbol of privilege and social status and symbol of mythic beings.

It presents an interpretation of the meanings of totem poles culture in the lost traditional society. Symbol of doom is the title of Chapter Three which discusses the process of being destroyed of traditional culture of Northwest Coast Indians and explains the new meanings of totem poles culture. Chapter Four and Chapter Five are both titled symbol of revival which is made up of symbol of Canadian national heritage,symbol of Indians resistance and symbol of tourism. In the last conclusion I summarize the modes of totem poles restoration and conservation in Canada and present some ideas about the issue of cultural heritage conservation and tourism development.


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