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加拿大多伦多市战略规划体系研究 [2]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2012-05-17编辑:lena ding点击率:11062

论文字数:2411论文编号:org201205171003409600语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文


摘要:多伦多是加拿大最大的城市和经济中心,其多元繁荣的经济与典型的城市发展过程在北美乃至整个西方城市发展进程中都具有很强的代表性。代写留学生论文-多伦多市的人口为256.2万(2001年),面积约630平方公里,不仅是加拿大经济发展的火车头,同时也是北美最大的经济中心城市之一。以多伦多为中心的大多伦多地区(Great Toronto Area,GTA)创造着加拿大1/5的GDP,自1992年以来GDP平均实际增长率为4.0%;该市集中了加拿大40%的企业总部.近10年出口和就业岗位的迅速增长,使之占加拿大的比重不断上升。

ic planning.


2.1 city strategic planning

Toronto City strategic planning consists of three parts: the vision and objectives (Vision and Goals), urban development-oriented City at Directions), financial principles (the Fiscal Principles).

Strategic planning vision of development embodied in the four main ideas, friendly and love the city, clean and sustainable city, vibrant city and is committed to quality of life. Development Goals focused in five themes, namely, social development, economic vitality, environmental sustainability, good governance and urban construction.

Urban development-oriented ways and strategies to achieve the Government's development vision and goals, the Council adopted the city development-oriented guidance of city governments. Orientation is also in all sectors of the city as well as individuals, groups, voluntary organizations such as the Programme of Action, the city government shape usually provided in the course of urban leadership and catalytic role in the planning. Developed urban development-oriented strategy of the Toronto City 19, a matter of principle involved in the development of the city. The main aspects of the construction and management.

Financial capability of a direct impact on the ability to achieve government targets, including the financial position of the inspection and a series of fiscal sustainability principles in the city strategic planning, on the one hand to assist the Council in response to the Government's fiscal pressures, as well as planning and budgeting of the public service guidelines. City of Toronto's urban strategy sustainable. The flexibility and weaknesses of the other three angles to look at the Toronto city financial situation, and developed on this basis, the 14 fiscal sustainability principles.

Toronto City Council's development strategy prepared starting from October 1998, lasted three years. Through three stages: the vision and goals, completed in November 1999, urban development-oriented completed in August 2000, financial principles in December 2001 completed.


2.2 departmental strategic planning

Sector strategic plan is under the framework of the city strategic planning of its development goals and vision specific and deepened, corresponding to the five themes of the development goals, departmental strategic planning include: official planning, economic development strategies, and social development strategies and environmental planning parts.


2.2.1 The economic development strategy

Economic development strategy is the core of all to improve Toronto's quality of life strategy, it is the competitiveness of the integrated urban and inter-departmental, multi-level (local, provincial, federal) negotiation results. The primary objective of the strategy is to create employment through economic growth, attract investment, to ensure long-term financial health development, thereby improving the quality of urban life. City of Toronto Economic Development Strategy, the Council adopted in June 2000, the main contents of the report consists of two parts: urban problems, strategic orientation and area of ​​operation.

Urban problems, first discusses the background of global economic change and intense urban areas the impact of competition on urban development and the future role, and then review the performance of the economy of Toronto rece论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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