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女性是更好的情感智能领导人吗 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-02-26编辑:kittytwin点击率:17447

论文字数:3954论文编号:org201602230947096397语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文



l market and facing extensive available information (Luthans, 1998). Max Messmer (1999), CEO of Robert Half, said in a recent survey of 150 executives from some of the nation's largest companies, that leadership skills were identified as the most important assets of managers. James E. Perrella (1999), Chairman, President and CEO, Ingersoll - Rand Company, stated
'America is moving from a manufacturing economy to a value - added, service - oriented economy. And at the heart of service are relationships: interpersonal relationships; intergroup relationships; and interdepartmental relationships. The ascendance of work teams in large organizations puts a new premium on relationship team skills. Among others, this set of skills includes the following competencies:
Communicating or listening openly and sending convincing messages,
Managing conflict, which entails negotiating and resolving disagreements,
Inspiring and guiding individuals and groups as a leader,
Initiating and managing change, and collaborating and cooperating with others toward shared goals (Perrella, 1999, p. 437).'
In popular perception, Thorndike (1920) was considered as the first to identify the conception of emotional intelligence. He takes the term social intelligence as 'the ability to understand and manage men and women, boys and girls to act wisely in human relations' (Thorndike, 1920, p. 228). He also noted that interpersonal effectiveness was of vital importance for success in many fields. 'The best mechanic in a factory may fail as a foreman for lack of social intelligence'. (Thorndike, 1920, p. 229).
These three examples indicate the growing importance of finding, hiring, training, and retaining leaders with high emotional intelligence.
Firstly this study examines women's access to leadership roles and how these roles are perceived in society. Topics include the changing conceptions of leadership, women leaders in history, contemporary leadership theories, barriers to women's leadership, and women leaders worldwide. Secondly the aim of this research is to explore the nature of emotional intelligence in women leadership within a business context and to examine the probable differences between men and women in general, the leadership behaviors of men and women in business sector and if there any, the differences between their leadership behaviors. In this context, in the first part of our study, varying definitions of leadership were classified and different leadership theories and emotional intelligence were examined.
Moreover, modern theories of leadership were mentioned. In the second part, the historical development of working women in general was viewed. Women in management and women leadership in literature were examined. Furthermore, the barriers to women in working conditions, and related to this, the glass ceiling concept were discussed. In the last part of the study, a study on the managers in the business sector was performed to analyze the leadership behavior of men and women managers, and if any to determine the differences between their leadership behaviors.

情绪智力的定义——Definitions of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a relatively new and growing area of behavioral research. Psychologist论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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