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On the Phonetic Features of Advertising English [2]

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2014-05-19编辑:hynh1021点击率:15102

论文字数:3048论文编号:org201405122116041372语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Phonetic FeaturesAdvertising English特点功能分类

摘要:Advertisements always are related with the beauty of music from hawking customers’ wares in the streets to the radio or TV advertising. In addition the mass advertising, the advertising also has word-of-mouth advertising. It is very interesting. There are publicized by one to ten, and ten to more, however, the word of advertisement need get a musical rhyme. It can be remembered very easy by the customers.

order to persuade their audience of essential "rightness" of purchasing the product or service advertised.
     "Phonetic reveals the language for pronunciation structure, change and rule. It makes the rule of pronunciation standard". What is the art of phonetics rhetoric? It is a skill using phonetics with rhetoric. It uses the phonetics conditions and rules to make a different expression way, and then improve its expression result. Changing word is one of the critical keys in phonetics rhetoric. Word includes voice and meaning: voice is the form of word however meaning is the content of word. At the content, a good language should choose the true word, apt and vivid; at the form, good languages need the word easy to read and remember, sweet-sounding. It should give people sweet feeling. Wang Li said, “The form of language is so beautiful, because it has the beauty of regular, the beauty of iambic and the beauty of reverberant rhyme. These are a face of music, so the beauty form of language is the beauty music of language"(李太志,:169). In the advertisement, the writer usually uses alliteration, assonance, consonance, end-rhyme and onomatopoeia. These can make the language melodious, stressing the meaning, and adding to the musical advertising English and the cadent beauty of rhythm.
Ⅲ. The function and feature of syllable coordinate in advertisement
     What is syllable? There is no satisfactory definition for such a unit of speech. Many linguists have attempted to define the syllable, yet none of them has ever succeeded. But we can imagine that there should be a unit between the phoneme and the word, which ought to be called syllable. We are not in a position to give a definition to syllables. However, we may as well quote the following as a definition.
     "Syllables may be defined as the smallest sound-groups into which our speech organs and our ear naturally divide the sentence. It is an intermediate level of phonological organization between phonemes and words"(孟宪忠,2006:76).
     English words are composed of monosyllable, disyllable as well as polysyllable. Different syllable always has synonym, so the writer can choose different syllable words, making the syllables regular, adding the expressing result of the language.
e.g.  1. It's the taste. (Nescafe)
          2. Come to our Fruice.
     There are two pieces of usage the advertising, which are both monosyllable. These often uses at the everyday life. They are very agitation in the advertising. At the second, it is one items of juice advertisement. You can see the word "Fruice". It is mixed "fruit" and "juice", because they have a common which the "-ui-" is pronounced [u:]. In the word “Fruice”, the “-ce” is pronounced [s]. When people read or hear the advertising, the maid was quickly thank self drinking the juice. Let’s have rich image.
e.g. Tide’s in, Dirt’s out.
     This is a piece of laundry detergent powder of Tide. It is very symmetry in structure and syllable, looking very pleasing, listening very sweet. In the sentence, “in” and “out” is both of monosyllable, and meaning obvious comparison. They show the efficacy of the laundry detergent powder. Let customers wan论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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