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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-05-14编辑:cinq点击率:3050

论文字数:268论文编号:org201305131733023591语种:中文 Chinese地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文




      Social https://www.51lunwen.org/aozhouthesis/ and family after 80 professional psychological negative impact on the formation of psychological.
tudents from different professional motivation families.Overall, the students from different family and career in professional motivation external motivation differences are very significant, and the scores of students from urban areas was significantly higher than students from rural areas, on the average of all multi-factor variance analysis showed that: in addition to"Achievement Initiative" and "autonomous decision-making" factor, family factor on the source of differences in the remaining significant differences, and students from rural areas scored significantly lower than students from the city, but in the "contribution to the altruistic" element from the rural areasstudents scored significantly higher than students from the city.

      在家庭收入上的显着差异的职业动机和外部动机的职业生涯的学生不同的家庭收入,为2000元至3000元的家庭收入,3000元至5000元和5000元或更多的学生得分显著高于1000 ~ 2000元和1000元学生家庭收入,和前三个家庭和两类家庭收入之间没有显着差异,这表明家庭年收入2000元的职业动机对大学生心理的分水岭。从这个角度出发,具体的因素,在大多数的不同程度的差异,动机因素不同收入家庭的学生。三个家庭的学生比后两个家庭网络中的约束职业威望和就业更加关注学生,但1000元的家庭收入的学生表现出更大的服务他人,回报社会的职业动机的特点。
      Differences in family income. Different family income of students in vocational motivation and career of external motivation on the significant differences, family income for the 2000 to 3,000 yuan, 3,000 to 5,000 yuan and 5,000 yuan or more students scored significantly higher than family income for the 1000 ~ 2000 yuan and 1000yuan students, and between the former three families and two classes of family income was no significant difference between, suggesting that family income of 2,000 yuan  caree r mo tivation of college students psychological watershed.Specific factor from the point of view, students with dif ferent family income in most of the motivation factors of varying degrees of difference.First three families of students than the students after the two families even more attention to occupational prestige and employment in a network of constraints, but the family income of 1,000 yuan students showed greater service to others, pay back the community's professional motivation characteristics.


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