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论文作者:留学论文论文属性:个人陈述 Personal Statement登出时间:2012-09-12编辑:tinkle点击率:6325

论文字数:1661论文编号:org201209121819179868语种:英语 English地区:香港价格:免费论文


摘要:本文中英语字数1000字 中文字数600字 是申请香港大学的ps代写,由英语论文网提供并策划,客户最终成功申请香港大学。



Self-recommendation Letter


Distinguished Teachers in HKU,

My name is     , who is from    . senior middle school. Now my personal information is as follow:

I am an open person with wide hobbies. The spirit of team work has become my habit such as https://www.51lunwen.org/PS/ fighting for players in the playground. Sometimes, while discussing the Olympic mathematics problems with classmates, I also debate on the current political issues. Furthermore, I communicate with others with a sincere and straightforward attitude. Owing to my outstanding performance in study and life, I have been rewarded as “Three good student” every year. Because my hobby is to imitate the performance in foreign films, I have benefited from a lot such as the 2nd place in 2009 National English Capacity Test for high school student. Besides, the outside activities is my favorite sports such as riding the bicycle on the weekend, watching the sunrise and listening to wave sound in the seaside and breathing the fresh air in bamboo forest. Climbing mountain can bring me the happiness of hard working such as continuous climbing and exhaustion.

I am characterized with persistence. With a definite target, I will try my best to reach it. Even though there are many difficulties to overcome, I never give up. With the above characteristics, my learning store can be listed top ten among 2030 students. Nevertheless, not all things go well. To prepare the SAT and learn the corresponding course by myself at home, I have asked for leave for two weeks from my school. The simulated papers need finishing in the day and at night I browsed the test websites and read the answers to questions put forward in the Zhidao bulletin of Baidu by me. With my utmost effort, the math score was almost 800 and the physics and chemistry score were over 700. At the same time, the GRE vocabulary was remembered by me in 14 days. However, my plane to Hongkong has been delayed owing to a serve traffic accident happened in express road between Rizhao and Qingdao. My effort has become useless. Facing to the unexpected hit, I had to take part in National College Entrance Examination. By balancing the relationship between my self-study capacities and learning time, I decided to learn by myself at home in order to catch the learning schedule. The miracle will appear with my persistence.

Because the score can’t depend on capacity, I have begun to strive to improve my capacity. Three years ago, I was selected as English subject representative. Owing to my limited experience, I tried my best to make good preparations to finish all affairs with my effort. Finally, I gradually was familiar with the above work such as reading the word for class. My outstanding work was recognized by my classmates and teachers. In the next election, I was appointed as Physics and English subject representative. By acting as subject representative, my allocation and cooperation capability have been improved a lot.

Computer is my favorite field. When I obtained my first bonus by publicizing my works made by computer in Sugang Newsletter in my 6-year-old, I was interested in computer. With the above encouragement, it promoted me to understand, utility and develop the computer functi论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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