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国外留学生论文:简析员工内部奖励制度 [6]

论文作者:meisishow论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2014-10-26编辑:meisishow点击率:9981

论文字数:3021论文编号:org201410251602116447语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文

关键词:intrinsic rewardsmotivatorsemployees员工内部奖励制度


ed for further research into this aspect of motivation. Human behaviour is complex and explanations of motivation need to consider carefully the organisational context (Jobome, 2006). It is through the organisation that staff are able to work with clients and witness their successes, achieve a good work/life balance and have fun at work.

The results reported in this paper are gained from one NFP organisation and therefore the conclusions must be tentative.However, the findings do indicate the direction of future research.

Having looked at both the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, it could be said that intrinsic motivation is far stronger than extrinsic motivation when it comes to motivate employees in the long run. This is because the intrinsically motivated employees will continue to perform better day after day as long they find the work interesting and satisfied.  It doesn't mean that extrinsic motivation should not be used, but this is not the ideal way to long motivate the employees. To say, extrinsically motivated employees will only find what they do to interesting as long as they receive the rewards which can either be positive or negative. And hence in order to motivate them to increase performance, then they will have to be given more rewards than before. If not, they will only be de-motivated. Not only that, but once the employees are given extrinsic rewards they will no longer be intrinsically motivated, but rather depend on rewards to keep them motivated therafter. That is why it is vital to try and motivate employees intrinsically by trying to explain how it will help them to develop and encouraging them by offering more challenging work, giving responsibility and recognition for the work done etc. This will in turn lead to enhance performance by motivating them to meet the long term success.

Once the basic needs according to Maslow′s pyramid are achieved such as physical needs eg: food, water etc, there are some “extra” needs that enables employees to be ready to contribute above and beyond their call of duty.


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